Sunday 5 February 2023

Mini books and bags!

This morning I went to the shop and then had a walk through the park. Trying to walk a bit when I can, even got off the bus the stop before I usually get off yesterday!

I spent the rest of the morning tidying up the large bed in the front garden. Also hoed the other beds and weeded round the stepping stones leading to the garden bin.

This afternoon I made the two very tiny books for the miniature greenhouse, ended up using a dressmaking pin to carefully score the fold lines! The instructions just said fold on the dotted lines, which were hard to see, really wouldn’t have worked without scoring. I had the paper out to make little storage bags as well.

When I went out to fetch the bird feeder in I took a photo of the sky. Didn’t realise it was out of focus but will post it anyway.
There have been visitors to the bird feeder today, but no different ones.
After dinner I made the storage bags before watching Vera.
Soon be off to bed, was late settling down yesterday.


  1. I’ve not spent any time in my park lately. Really must make the effort as it’s a nice place. Yours looks really nice with the sun on those trees. You certainly are keen on getting the steps in these days. Not many people would get off the bus a stop early and walk 😊 Definitely good for you though.
    The front looks nice after a bit of work on it. I say a bit, it’s probably a lot!
    The miniature bits are really fascinating me. You do have a lot of patience, and ingenuity when it comes to the crafting. Scoring with a pin is a great idea before trying to fold those tiny pieces. I think the books and bags are great. So damn tiny!
    Maybe you’ll get some different visitors to the bird feeder tomorrow. I suppose it’s asking a bit much to get different things every day, but I’m sure you’ll get a few surprises yet.

  2. Getting sort of in control of the gardens, a bit further ahead than usual I think, look for the positives!
    The items for the greenhouse are quite fiddly but I think the overall effect when it is eventually finished will be good.
