Thursday 9 February 2023

Phone calls and awaiting response

This morning I made some phone calls and left messages, no calls back as yet. Also did a bit of on line searching and wrote some notes trying to get as prepared as I can be for my battles to come. Rose hd a lie in but we decided to walk over to the Orton Centre and get some lunch. My knee was painful today so we caught the bus when we were just over half way there. We had lunch at the cafe in QD then did some shopping before catching the bus home, Took a couple of pictures of the great posters they have in the cafe.

We caught the bus back and after having a drink I walked round to see Nora who was my neighbour when we first moved to Leighton and she is still living there now. We had a good chat, we have never lost touch but haven’t seen each other much over the years.
Spending the evening with Rose.
Will finish with a photo of her impressive group of snowdrops.


  1. Good luck with the phone calls. I find people don’t rush themselves to reply these days. CK are renowned for it! I had dealings with them today regarding a repair. I’ll tell you about it another time.
    The QD cafe do a reasonable meal, and it’s ideal for Rose. You should have just caught the bus there as I know Rose tends to walk quite quickly, which isn’t good for your knee! Love the signs 😊
    Good you got out to visit a friend. Gives you a bit of a break from Rose, and the same for Rose too.
    Fingers crossed you get some replies tomorrow. 🤞

  2. Time will tell, if I don’t get a response from CK tomorrow may go and get in the queue at their office on Monday!
    They do a decent meal at QD and they have great signs!
    It was good to catch up with Nora.
