Monday 6 February 2023

Getting ready

I was feeling a little off colour this morning so decided to go out for a walk and get some air, it was a lovely day although quite cold as there had been quite a heavy frost. I walked to the sea front and had a cuppa at the hub.
Went out for lunch with Tina which was nice and this afternoon I did some tidying up in the garden down at the back, hoeing some weeds before they get too bad, especially as I am going to Peterborough for a while. Some visitors to the bird feeder but no different ones.
I have spent some time getting the case ready for my trip to Peterborough and also have done some tidying as I have been making a mess with the crafting.
Tina had been to a meeting and told me to go outside when she came in. The sky was looking good.
Took some more when I went out to bring the feeder indoors. Managed to not blur the first one this time!

A friend of ours became a nun today, she sent me a picture of her making her promise.
I have had a couple of good exercise weeks, will probably drop off quite drastically for a while now!
Last week was the highest ai have ever managed!


  1. A walk by the sea must help lift your mood a bit when feeling down. Just a nice place to be, and lots of negative ions which are good for you. Not so sure gardening has the same effect though. But it has to be done I suppose. Lunch out makes up for it though.
    Some lovely evening pictures!
    Becoming a nun is a really big step for anyone to take. She obviously wants it a lot and I wish her all the best in her new life.
    Oh my, that’s a lot of steps! No wonder you’re knackered at nights. You probably won’t be getting so many while you’re down with us mamsy pamsy southerners 😊

  2. I am sure getting out for a walk did help lift my mood and lunch out was a boost too. But I find gardening does help as well.
    I go on my travels on Wednesday so have tomorrow to get plants watered etc.
