Sunday 26 February 2023

Short and sweet

Not a lot to say today. I am still feeling tired, a bit down and a painful knee! That aside it has been a beautiful day. I went to the boot sale with 
Darren early this morning, we had a sausage sandwich and a look round, pretty chilly that early and not a lot of booters there today. But Darren spotted a really attractive lap tray and bought it for me, he got himself a pair of jeans as well.
Some bird supplies were delivered while I was away and I got them down into the greenhouse and store. Bit of sorting, bit of washing and bit of cooking plus catching up on a program called Piano which I really enjoyed. Now Pandora is nudging my hand wanting attention!
Hopefully I will have more to say tomorrow.


  1. You definitely need a holiday! Seriously though once everything is sorted out you should consider getting away for a while. One of those bus trip holidays would suit you. You’d soon make friends with others on the trip and you like seeing new places. It would do you good.
    I love the tray Darren got you. Perfect for your evening Baileys and chocolate 😊
    Sounds like you’ve got stuff back in order now you’re home.
    I hope you feel better tomorrow.

  2. Sounds like a plan! Need to find some energy first!
    Great lap tray, I. Good condition too.
