Friday 24 February 2023

Couple of visits

This morning I caught the bus into the city, had been going to go straight up to her where Rachel lives but the bus I caught only went to the bus station. So I got off before we got there nd walked to the Cross Keys office to hand a letter in. Then I walked a bit further to a stop where I could catch the bus ot Rachel’s. A bit of a walk to her house then nd she was able to take a break from her work for an hour or so and we had a proper chat over a cuppa. Then Skip gave me a lift to Central Park. I had lunch there as I was going to see Margherita but was too early as it was about her lunch time the cafe there is really nice now. I still had a bit of time so I walked to the aviaries which have been there since I lived in Peterborough. Almost caught recognisable zebra finches, a cockatiel obligingly came to the wire and didn’t get a decent shot of a budgie!

Took a shot of the play area as I made my way care home.
I had a good visit with Margherita although she was downstairs as her new room was being sorted out. A care worker did take us up to look but it was a bit chaotic as her bed had been taken into the room but the bigger one that was being moved out was still there. Nice size room though and when things are moved around it will be so much better for her. When I left I took the path round the edge of the park as ai thought there was an entrance near the bus stop, but there wasn’t! Did take a photo on the way though.
I did get to the bus stop but it didn’t have seats and there wasn’t a bus due for eleven minutes so walked slowly back to the bus station. Rose was out visiting her friend today so we had dinner and then a quiet evening.
I am going home tomorrow but no doubt will be down again before too long.


  1. A slightly more relaxed day for you then. Although it sounds like you still did plenty of steps. Nice to get to see Rachel as I know you usually end up having a giggle with her. I’ve not had lunch at the cafe, only drinks usually. Will have to try it. It is a lot nicer these days since it was taken over. The park is a great place altogether, including the aviaries. The play area looks really tidy. They were doing that the other day when I walked through there. They do look after it.
    I hope Margherita enjoys her new room. Hopefully she’ll be in it before I next visit.
    Jimmy the donkey is quite famous in these parts 😊
    You’ll be glad to get home for a rest. But as you say it won’t be long before you’re heading back!

  2. I enjoyed being in the park and was surprised the aviaries are still there.
    Glad to be going home for a bit.
