Monday 27 February 2023

Nice to see the sea again!

I took a walk to the front today, I wanted to go to the post office and collect a prescription so thought I would do those jobs on the way home. I also took the used tablet blister packs to the estate agents who have a recycling tub! It began to rain while I was at the front and it felt on the verge of being sleet!

I am still quite tired and my leg was pretty painful when I was put, but maybe it will settle down yet. Sat with Pandora for a while when I got home and she made herself well and comfortable!
I had a phone call from the dentist saying they had a cancellation if I could make it this afternoon. I said I could so that was a pleasant occurrence. I have a jar on 1p’s that was full to the brim, I decided to count them and bag them up. It is easy to get them in, but when it was jammed full getting them out was a whole different matter!
On. The way to the dentist I took a picture of the magnolia in the front garden which has loads of buds. I hope they don’t all drop if we get snow again as forecast. The one in the back garden only has three buds!
Didn’t have to wait long in the surgery, said to the receptionist that I hoped it wasn’t going to cost me a fortune and she said no, it is under guarantee! The dentist decided to put a pin in this time so a couple of injections and drilling this time, hopefully it will last a bit longer! It was fine, then it began to feel more painful and has now at last settled down again. 
Watching Endeavour on catch up as I couldn’t stay awake when watching it last night!


  1. So nice to be able to see the sea again for you. You must really miss it when you’re away. I love the first three pics, the second in particular. Very atmospheric and an obligatory bird in there too 😊
    Pandora does look comfortable laying there. Definitely won’t do your knee any good having the big lump laying on it! Wondered what was sitting to the right of your feet. Took me a while to realise it was a pig ornament 😄🐷
    Nic3 to get the call from the dentist, and nicer still that it was actually free for a change. Hopefully the pin will do the trick and it’ll last longer this time. You should stick to soft foods, like ice cream and chocolate!
    So, how much did you end up with in your jar? I’m guessing £7.78.

  2. Very good guess, made it up to £8 with some coins Tina had downstairs!
    It was good to see the sea, chilly bit it was quite lively today.
    Fingers firmly crossed that the tooth remains in tact for a while!
