Tuesday 9 August 2022

Not going out!

I haven’t been out at all today except to get the garden bin in! I did get the second feed of the cakes done this morning so brandy on the shopping list now! I did some household chores and tried to attack a bit mor of my endless amounts of craft stuff and general clutter! Quite a lot of relaxation with reading involved!
I just watered the bonsai trees this evening and took some photos in the garden. There is a gorgeous purple and white gladioli.
These bright flowers were around when we moved in and appear again every year.
I planted sunflowers near the greenhouse but it is difficult for me to get a decent shot of them. They are colourful ones and have more than the one 
The tall flower that just had the one bloom now has babies and the first flower is still there, it has lasted for weeks. There is another one that kept wilting but is now open and seems to be a double.

I had a good look at the mosaic I helped a lad with over thirty years ago, he had cerebral palsy and his family didn’t want to buy the result, so it has been with me ever since. I told a friend I would take a photo to show her and thought that this particular piece of art deserved another airing!

It is about eighteen inches square and is made of small pieces of cut up tiles, we had chips of china everywhere, probably wouldn’t be allowed now because of health and safety!
I have been sorting through endless sketch pads and designers, throwing some away and removing the others from the pads so that they can go into a folder.
I am on a mission to improve the condition of my dry and unattractive feet so have just been soaking them and it feels so good!
Charging through the latest books, well, I don’t actually charge as I read quite slowly, but really enjoying it.


  1. A day of not going out is good sometimes. I’ve had one myself today, although I’ve not achieved as much as you have! You always put me to shame ๐Ÿ˜Š
    You really do have some beautiful flowers in the garden. I particularly like the red one in the second pic. But they’re all good for brightening the place up, and for a bit of photography.
    The mosaic is really nice. I’ve seen it in various places over the years, but I think it’s suited for inside the summerhouse. I can remember making mosaics in art class at school. As you say bits of very sharp ceramic scattered all over the place, so I bet they’re not allowed these days. It’s good fun to do, but very time consuming.
    I hope you’re not throwing out too many of your sketches and paintings. They’re great to look back on and you have some great ones.
    The last two item on here this evening go together perfectly. Soaking your feet and reading at the same time. Just don’t drop the book in the bowl ๐Ÿ˜„

  2. It has felt quite lazy but got a reasonable amount done!
    It would be good to have prettier feet, will endeavour to keep on soaking and creaming!
