Tuesday 16 August 2022

Cakes, garden and being on hold!

This morning I got the Christmas cakes fed for the third time, as I had stocked up on Randy yesterday evening! It was overcast and seemed a little cooler so thought I would go and do some weeding. Worked on the back of the large front bed by the rod and pruned one of the smaller bushes. At one side there is a large bush that looks nice when it is shaped but had got really tall and straggly in all directions. I started with the long handled pruner, but one stem at a time would take forever so I got the large shear type cutters out. So seized up I could hardly open them. As I was in my garden shoes the nearest lubricant I could lay my hands on was washing up liquid! It worked, but have to admit it was perhaps a too big a project! I thought I saw blood on the back of my garden glove, when I took it off I couldn’t see blood but some weird small dots and a large bruise on the back of my hand! Still bruised and a bit swollen, a bit of a mystery! Back to the large bush, didn’t take a before picture but did take two of the piles of pruned stuff and one of the finished bush.

It was reaching across the t that I found particularly difficult.
My sister is in hospital and I realised that I had not informed the benefit dept so checked with Rose and total her I would see to it. Twenty minutes on hold the first time to be told I had phoned the general enquiries and needed to phone the change of circumstances! I was put to give up second time when I was most at thirty minutes listening to dire music when I got to speak to a very helpful lady and that is now sorted.
I wrote a couple of cards and went down the road to post them and then called in Boyes on the way home nd found a small rucksack with the straps at the front. This one is ideal if I want to go out with a drink and a book or small sketch pad.

I did go and pull a few weeds in the back garden and checked no plants were in dire need of watering! This hosta is called ‘praying hands’ Tina and I are not too convinced by the name!
Tina’s niece and her children are visiting tomorrow so I got the spare room ready as Tina was out this afternoon,
Tina has booked us three nights away from Sunday evening, near Harrogate, we will leave on Sunday afternoon and be back on Wednesday. Fingers crossed now that I do NOT hear from the hospital tomorrow!


  1. Blimey, three feeds already. It’ll soon be Christmas!
    Washing up liquid as a lubricant for metal is a new one on me, but if it does the job then why not. You could cut and blow bubbles at the same time in the rain 😊 That’s a fair pile of clippings you have there, so I’m guessing it looks a lot better than before. How’s the hand now, still looking bruised? Strange.
    I hate having to phone places like that. I usually get cut off at some point and have to start all over again! But you know me, I take in good heart 😄 Good you got it sorted though, one less thing for Rose to worry about.
    I like your new bag. Karrimor is a good brand. All my walking boots are by them and they are well made and last ages. No excuse now for not going out to do some sketching. You’ll have to fit it in your schedule somewhere. Maybe when you’re away for those few days. That’ll be a nice break. Fingers crossed you don’t the the hospital phone call 🤞🏻
    Sounds like the house isn’t going to be so quiet for the next few days……maybe a good time to go out sketching 😊

  2. Yes, cakes on the way and looking good!
    It started colder today but I was really hot and bothered when I came in from the garden. The hand is still bruised and a bit uncomfortable.
