Friday 26 August 2022

Bus pass sorted!

I went to the shop early and took my trolley so that I could get a small bag of compost so that I could get the new plants repotted after Bel had visited. Bel arrived a bit early and we had a good chat over a cuppa. I did get the plants into the pots, the compost wasn’t quite enough but I did have a bit left in another bag.
Those pots are exactly the same but look quite different with one in the sun and one in the shade!
After lunch I took a slow walk down to the leisure centre which is just by the sea. Lovely lady did all the paperwork for the bus pass after checking me out with North Yorkshire, which is where the previous one was registered. The sea looked very different today after the grey views yesterday.

I got some washing dry out on the line today, which was good. Late afternoon and early evening I started to try and reorganise the walled garden. It is a weedy dumping ground a lot of the time. I didn’t get as much done as I planned but I made a good start.

Got packed away and have packed an overnight bag. Darren is heading to Peterborough and I am hitching a lift so that I can see Margherita and Rose.


  1. Quite a light day by your standards! Although it looks as though you’ve done more than enough to me. Glad you got the pass sorted. Makes quite a difference to a wanderer like you!
    The sea does look a bit different today. Surprising what a differs little bit of sun makes. I enjoyed a walk in some myself today.
    The walled garden does look a bit better after some work on it, but as you say, a bit to do yet. Maybe the gardening fairies will sort it out while you’re visiting Margherita and Rose 😊
    Hope the trip goes ok.

  2. Hopefully it will be cooler soon and I can get the garden sorted for autumn/winter.
