Thursday 18 August 2022

Quite a day!

As the house was sleeping I went for a reasonably early walk to the sea front. The tide was in, a pleasant morning, not hot.

I decided to catch the bus to Withernsea, the bus pass runs out on Sunday and not sure I will get the replacement as I am now at a different address. The bus was on time and not too crowded. Different scenery as I have only been on that route a couple of times. We were well on the way when the bus was overheating and it turned out to be a coolant leak. The driver tried to nurse it along but it became evident we needed help so he made phone calls and we sat and waited, except for the desperate smokers and a couple of ladies with dogs! Another bus came eventually and that driver was going to try and repair our bus, so we had the same driver on the second bus. He told me as I was getting off that the bus home was twenty five minutes later than I thought. I had checked on line and it was the same time as the timetable, so I was doubtful. I decided to walk to the lighthouse first as had spotted there was a tea room and it was open. 
Once inside I decided to go up to the top.

The view down on the way up and a shot of the final steps which you were advised to come down backwards!

I was puffed out but not as bad as a couple of younger folk. Some good views.

I had been a bit worried about coming down as I quite often have to come downstairs one at a time, that would have really been a nuisance if it had been busy. But it wasn’t and I actually managed to walk most of the way down ‘normally’ as I took my time. Happily collected my certificate and then went through to the cafe.
When I went out to the loo this yarn bombing was there, then some pics in the museum part.

I had passed a shop that was closing down on the way to the lighthouse that had a very unusual fairy house in the window. Bought it on the way back, a handmade original!
I walked to the front then.

I had taken the sketch pad so thought I had better use it!
I decided to be at the bus stop at the usual time and it arrived, so lucky I decided to ignore the driver earlier. The. Bus stops at Sands Le Mere holiday park and the setting looked great from the bus.

The bus journey home was uneventful but looking out of the kitchen window there was a crow just sitting on the lawn. Tina said she had noticed it earlier si we went out to investigate. When we got close it keeled over and looked about to die. Thinking of bird flu I went in and got a tea towel and Tina picked it up. Then I was on a hunt for an appropriate box. The flaps kept falling in and it got out, so went upstairs and found one with a lid. This time I caught it after it giving us the run around hopping away! Then we put it in the outhouse with some food and water opened the box and if it recovered there were two small windows up higher. I was sitting upstairs when Tina shouted out that it was dead on the lawn. We went out, it was on its side, feet in the air, but looking at her, then back on its feet! Pandora looking on and being scolded by me and the crows making a racket in the trees. I sat out in the garden on crow watch for a while as I have the feeling I will find it in the morning.
So as I said, quite a day!


  1. A lovely start to the day. All those waves crashing. Bet it was really nice. Looks like you had it all to yourself too.
    Oh dear, not so good a trip on the bus. Still it made for a different experience. You made it there in the end. Probably wouldn’t have made it back though if you’d listened to the driver!
    The lighthouse looks lovely, but that’s a lot of steps to the top……then back down! For an old biddy with knackered knees you don’t do too bad 😄 I’d have had to go up too. If for no other reason than the view. I think I’d have been pretty puffed out by the time I got up there! Bet it was fun coming down that steep flight backwards. I’m sure you were happy when you got back to the bottom. A well deserved certificate. Another frame you’ll need. It was ONLY 288 steps………. 😊
    I love the yarn bomb. That’s a lot of trouble to go to, but it looks so good. Surprised someone hasn’t nicked it by now.
    Judging from the other pics it’s a really nice place to visit. I like the dolls house.
    The fairy house had to be had. You must have all the fairies in the local area living in your garden by now 😊🧚‍♀️ Fun to carry home on the bus too.
    Nice sketch. You always seems to fit so many things into a day. I honestly don’t know how you do it. I’m worn out reading about it and seeing the pics!
    Crow watch! Only you 😊 It was probably just very tired and fancied a lay down. I hope it’s gone by the morning.
    A really good picture day. Now you can relax, and knowing you you’ll be doing it all again tomorrow!

  2. The bus journey was different, the lighthouse was great, well worth the effort and a very reasonably priced cafe too.
    Really like the fairy house, quite a collection now.
    Did all we could for the crow, my hopes aren’t high for a happy ending.
    Catch up visit day tomorrow.
