Friday 19 August 2022

Pleasant day after a not so good start!

I was outside before seven to to up the bird feeders and hedgehog food. Looked for the crow which sadly had died in the night. The other crows were calling and one came down, wasn’t sure if they were checking it or about to eat it so I removed it and a little later buried it in an out of the way area. 
There were a lot of boxes in the walled garden, we have a lot of deliveries and the recycling bin rally can’t cope with boxes, even when broken down. I decided it was time to attack them, we now have two bin bags full of cardboard. Steve, who keeps the church grounds and the garden behind the parish hall in order said he wanted some to use in a compost heap, any he doesn’t want can go to the tip. I will probably fill another bag with more boxes.
I went round to visit Bel, she was okay but said she was feeling her age this week! I hadn’t been back long when Tina and her guests arrived home from the pottery painting studio. They asked me if I would like to join them for lunch as they were heading home this afternoon. We went to Hornsea garden centre. After a very nice lunch we found the new play area and next to it was an enclosure with very large and expensive animal garden ornaments.

Not a great deal in the new play park yet!
We went and had a look at the fish, just took a picture of this handsome one!
That gorilla has to be sat on!
We didn’t buy anything and Tina dropped me off at the sea front on the way back so that I was in time to get to Jeans.

A nice chat and laugh with Jean as usual and Terry drove my home, also as usual.
I have watered the gardens tonight and we have done the shopping order,
I think I mentioned the weird blood on my glove on Tuesday and the swollen hand, it is not so swollen now but quite a bruise, but try as I might cannot really get a picture that really shows it.


  1. Shame about the crow, but you did what you could.
    Blimey, that is a lot of boxes and that’s only the overflow from the sounds off it. I thought I had a lot of deliveries, but I think you lot beat me by a mile ๐Ÿ˜Š Another little, or not so little job cleared up out the way.
    I love the crocodile. I’d have it sitting in my lounge! Frighten people to death. Did you by chance catch the price of it? They have some cracking garden ornaments. I think Rose would enjoy a trip there.
    That is a nice looking fish. Looks like some sort of plecostomous loach. Very cute.
    I wonder how many people have sat on the gorilla over the years? Must be thousands. Another three won’t hurt I suppose. They look worn out.
    The seafront looks nice as usual and very sparsely populated with people. Thought it’d be busy on a nice Friday.
    Your hand does look very bruised. You must have stuck something through the glove to do that. Take a week off gardening ๐Ÿ˜Š

  2. I think the crocodile may have been about two grand! They were pretty fantastic though, I fancied the huge emu!
    It was fairly quiet for Friday on a really lovely day, there were people in the sea, bet it was lovely.
    The hand is a real mystery.
