Sunday 14 August 2022

Bit of variety

Left quite early with Darren to go to the boot sale, we were there just after seven thirty and it was already busy! I had been going to try and buy a fan yesterday and completely forgot so was on the lookout today, got this standard one and have used it for a while this afternoon and it was great and I was only using it at the lowest speed.
I got a Jemima Puddle Duck ornament which will go on the shelf with the other Peter Rabbit characters and a mug which Darren spotted.
I also got a new top for £2 which I really like. I don’t usually bother looking at clothes but this one caught my eye.
It was biker weekend and I did see some of the parade as they drove through but walked into the park to take some photos of the event.

This next guy was surprised and pleased when I said I would like him in the pic with his amazing bike!

I went to a charity fund raiser at the parish hall for a while and after dinner I watered the gardens, so a fairly full day.


  1. You have had a full day. Been a very hot one too, so you’ve done well to last the whole day! The fan will definitely get some use even if it’s not as hot it’s still nice to get the air moving in the room. Might be the bargain of the year. Mind you the Jemima figure and the mug are cute, and the top is definitely you. Good treasure hunting today.
    There were a lot of bikes for the parade. A better idea going to the park to see them rather than take pics as they go by. You get to spend more time looking at them and get some great pics. Some of them have some great artwork on them. Must take hours to prepare them. The army/camouflage bike is very different. The owner looks a very smiley chap too. 😊 I suppose most people just take snaps of the bike, so to get asked to be in the pic was nice for him. You’ve got some great pics from the event, so worth while going out in the heat. Hope you wore a floppy hat?
    All in all a good day.

  2. I wore a cap, not a floppy hat, lthough I have got one!
    It was very busy in the park, the biker event is very popular and they leave the park very clean when they go. A very noisy day as well though!
    It was a good bargain day today so all in all pretty good despite the heat!
