Saturday 13 August 2022

Fairly uneventful day

I did pop to Judi’s this morning as she phoned when I was in the refill sh just over the road. She is clearing the flat now nd wanted a bit of moral support. Tina took me to her flat as my knee was quite painful this morning and she has a flat near the sea front. Spent an hour or so with her then she brought me home s I had a box of art stuff for her and she wanted to borrow a hammer, I really had stomach cramps for some of the day, very unusual and very uncomfortable, I did even lie down for a while to see if it would ease. More sorting today so more recycling in the bin and another fairly large box taken over to the charity shop. When I was sorting I uncovered a open that I wrote quite a few years go. Quite surprised I had written it when I read it so though I would put it on the blog.
I had a change for a while this afternoon and made some more templates to make some cards using the different papers. It took quite a while and I have a very numb hand now, but worth it I think.
I filled some cans and watered the bonsai trees and plants in the walled garden after tea.
Feet soaking time now and Casualty is on this week!


  1. Sounds like a very quiet day compared with some you’ve had recently. You’re going to miss Judi. You’ve got on well with her.
    The stomach cramps don’t sound too good. You’ve not been having chocolates and Bailies in bed have you? 😊
    The sorting is going very well. I really should follow your lead and do some myself…..maybe next week!
    The poem is very good. You should get that framed. Are there no ends to your talents?
    The cards are quite cute. My favourite is the mice. You’ve definitely kept yourself occupied today.
    Enjoy Casualty. Should be a laugh a minute!

  2. It is feeling that I am getting somewhere with the sorting, still have way too much stuff but at least what is left is more organised!
    Judi will keep in touch and I will visit her when she is settled.
