Monday 22 August 2022

Pateley Bridge and Stump Cross Caverns

We didn’t hurry to get ready this morning and decided to go to Pateley Bridge which is a town just a few miles away. Very attractive and some craft workshops there as well. I have taken a lot of photos today so may not get them all on one blog entry!
We passed a great fairy garden and threw some coins in as it was raising money for a charity.

I loved this van!
Two churches, and that hill was steep!
Some of the craft workshops were closed but we watch a great glass demonstration and I did buy one of the twisted glass shapes that he had been demonstrating. Not the one he was working on and they take hours to cool down!

We did go inside one of the churches, not the one in the next photo,

The view from the one with the window was great.
We went into the oldest sweet shop and the guy was happy for me to take a pick while he weighted our sweets!

We went for a short walk by the river, liked the benches and then went for locally made ice cream!

On the drive back to our accommodation we made some stops for scenery shots!

We had a cuppa and sit for a bit and then went for a walk on a path below the cottage.

I liked this next one as it has started to rain.
This bus shelter is near the cottage!
After another rest and cuppa we set off to visit Stump Cross Caverns, they had dimmed some of the lights and we were given an ultra violet torch as well as a natural light one!

Couldn’t not have that one! Quite dull when we were leaving, still raining.
A very good day.


  1. That’s the idea of a break, you get to take it easy. Get up and go out when the fancy takes you. Looks like you picked a great area to stay in. Plateley Bridge looks lovely. The craft workshops make it even better. I love to see people demonstrating their craft. I’m betting the glass demo was really interesting. I’ve seen a couple and they were good. I think the twisted glass you bought was a bargain and a nice memento. The fairy garden was perfect for you. I hope they pick up the money regularly so the oiks can’t pinch it! The van is really good. I’d happily drive around in that 😊 The hill is very steep! Bet your legs ached a bit going up that. Worth it though to get to visit the churches. That’s a lovely pic from the one higher up, shame about the damn cables though. They get everywhere!
    What a fantastic sweet shop. I remember using shops like that in ye olden days. Damn good ice cream too. Think I want to live in that village!
    The scenery shots are lovely. You really did pick a nice area to go to for a break. You won’t want to go home.
    The caves look great. It’s one thing I’ve never done. But after seeing those lovely pics I really fancy visiting some. If there’s a hole to put your head through for a pic you’re always front of the queue. 😊
    I can imagine you have hundreds of pics from today, bet you’ll have as many tomorrow too 😊
    What a great time. I hope tomorrow turns out as well.

  2. It really is a lovely are and I haven’t been to the dales before. Certainly somewhere to go again.
    Would happily spend more time at Pateley Bridge but I am sure we will find somewhere different that will be interesting.
    About fifty steps down to the caves and we banged our heads a fair few times but it wa a great experience.
