Monday 8 August 2022

Bus to Freeport

I had been looking up the first book in the Vera series, to have it ready for when I have read all the Shetland ones and it said that the Works had it for three pound. So did a few chores and then caught the bus up to Freeport as The Works have a shop there. Sadly the shop had no Ann Cleeves novels but I did get a new watercolour pad! I had a good wander round and a light lunch, tried to keep in the shade as it was pretty hot and very humid. I took a couple of photos of a large hydrangea plant as I love the different shades they have as the blooms get older,

I bought a nice planter in Pound Stretcher along with some other bits and pieces.
I have half a dozen geraniums that I got reduced a few days ago that need planting out, with the soil in the garden like dust it seemed like a good idea to put them in a pot so that I can water then easily. I had a bit to carry and was tired just walking back to the bus stop, felt really quite over heated when I got home. But did pop out again before I collapsed in a chair as I had medication to collect, then on the way back I got these cute toadstools at Island gifts!
Then I got a cold drink and collapsed in the chair! Sadly Pandora came and collapsed on me and I was even more overheated!
stirred myself and did some washing which is out on the line, don’t think it will take long to dry. Then I got the geraniums into the planter, I hope they will do well on there.
Doing the blog now as I intend to water the gardens when the sun has gone down. If it is as humid as this tomorrow I won’t be venturing out!


  1. That’s a shame you couldn’t get the book you wanted, but I’m betting you’ll find it somewhere. It has been a hot and humid day today which wears you out even quicker I think. Nice planter though, so worth going. I can see why you like the hydrangeas, they do look gorgeous.
    It’s nice having a cat on your lap in the winter, but not so good when it’s hot like this! It’s like having a furry rug draped over your legs!
    The new planter looks good with the geranium in it, the toadstools are very cute too 😊
    I think it’s going to be another hot and humid one tomorrow, so staying in is probably a very good idea.

  2. In late from watering, will have to do the bonsai trees in the morning as I can’t see what I am doing now!
    Pleased with the planter, so not a wasted trip.
    Definitely keeping out of the sun tomorrow!
