Friday 5 August 2022

Catch up day!

I was up early feeding birds etc as usual so feeling a bit weary this evening. I did go out and tak the ‘after’ picture of the wisteria, which was still in place this morning, so fingers crossed.

This morning Bel came round on the electric scooter for a cuppa and a chat, was pleased that we relieved her of the seagull on Sunday. I have read quite a bit more of my book, I am really addicted to these Shetland novels. This afternoon I walked to Jeans via the sea front, quite a few pics as there wa a definite green tinge today.

Now some different sea pics from Monday, I had gone to the post office and then up to see the sea. Quite misty and different from recent shots.

Commonwealth games and a bit of reading now, floored by an early night, maybe, depends where ai am in the book!


  1. Bet the birds were all sitting waiting for their breakfasts. They do have it good around your way 😊
    The wisteria looks quite pert, fingers crossed it stays that way now.
    I know you like Fridays with the visits and catch-ups. Looks like it was a beautiful day to be walking on the seafront today. The sea is really green in some of those pics. I do love how the view changes totally from day to day. Never gets boring as the other recent pics show. You are lucky.
    You really have got into those Shetland books. I have to say though that the tv series is brilliant, so if that’s anything to go by then I can see why you’re getting so much pleasure from them. What are you going to do once you’ve read them all? Doubt that’ll be long the rate you’re going through them 😊

  2. Yes, catch up day is nice. The sea views were definitely different on te two days in the same week, I am lucky to be near the sea, I do enjoy that.
    I thinkI have three more Shetland books, but there are quite a few in the Vera series, written by the same author, so I can get those in ready to carry on if I am still in the reading mood.
