Thursday 11 August 2022

Good day and lovely evening walk.

I went to breakfast with Judi and Angela this morning which was a nice start to the day. Phoned Pearl when I got in as it’s her birthday but she was out so had a lovely chat with her daughter Mary, she said that Pearl would be home later. 
I spent most of the day sorting through craft stuff and really made headway today. Quite a lot of recycling, a box full of stuff for Judi to take for one of the nuns who do card making and I have a couple of bags to se off at the charity shop when I visit Bel in the morning. I did pop down the road as I have a lot of bites so got some bite cream as they are very itchy!
I did do a bit of dead heading in the front garden while I was waiting for Tina to get home as I had a message for her, it was really hot out there! I just watered the trees this evening as I watered everything well last night.
After dinner , well, quite a while after dinner went with Tina to Mappleton and we die even go and have a walk along the beach this evening. The steep slope getting down to and up from the beach is. Bit of a challenge!

It was beautiful this evening, think it will ne misty again tomorrow.


  1. Sounds like a pretty good day. A nice breakfast always sets you up for a good start to any day.
    Hope you managed to catch Pearl a bit later on, but nice that you got to have a natter with her daughter too.
    More room to get more stuff, or is this the final sorting? 😊
    I hope the cream did the job on the bites. Nothing worse than an itchy bite, and unbearable if you have lots!
    What a lovely way to end the day. I bet it was a really nice place to be at that time of the evening. A lot cooler than the earlier part of the day. The light in the pics is lovely, very warming. Not sure I’d be too keen on the steep slope, well not the going up bit anyway 😊

  2. The light was lovely, that is why I added most of the shots I took. It was a good day, may not be a final clearing but not done yet anyway!
