Friday 12 August 2022

Visiting and Beverley

Will start with some rather whacky pics of the moon last night. I couldn’t see it from the spare room so had to try and take them through my bedroom window so a bit blurred but some are quite funky!

I went to se Bel this morning and dropped the bags off at the charity shop on the way. She was okay but has been struggling with the heat this week.
Between visits I was going into Beverley with Tina who had some banking to do and we thought we would grab some lunch. The traffic going out was very heavy so when we were heading back Tina took a different route. She had an appointment at two and I was due at Jeans at the same time. The traffic was bad again and Tina dropped me off and headed off to her meeting a little late. Nice chat with Jean and Terry brought me home as usual.
I watered the walled garden plants with the cans and after tea I went out to water the gardens. Better make the most of the hose while I can!
Some garden photos. I planted a Chinese lantern a while go but thought it had died. It is alive and quite fragile but it does have a couple of lanterns forming,
I haven’t been watering at the back where Charlie is buried a I though the cyclamen had died, but noticed that a couple have flowered despite the drought and lack of attention, so have watered them tonight!
The sunflowers by the greenhouse are doing pretty well, smaller and more colourful that the giant ones.
A hydrangea in the back has two different coloured small blooms on one stem, so pretty.
When we were in Beverley I got some stabilising fabric to use when doing machine embroidery, something to add to the list of jobs!
Foot soak and relaxation now!


  1. They are very funky! They look like they’re melting, and I can see a face in the last one.
    I bet Bel really is struggling with the heat. It wears me down and I’m not “quite” as old as her!
    Glad you and the Rev got out for a while, even though it sounds like it was hard going getting there and back. Hope you had something nice for lunch?
    Definitely a travelling and visiting day for you. Nice to get a lift back from Jeans.
    The way things are going I don’t think it’ll be long before we all have a hosepipe ban. That’ll make life hard for you with that huge garden. You’ll have to get the troops out in the evenings with watering cans!
    I love Chinese lanterns. They’re so colourful and fragile, but I think they spread like wildfire once they get going. I’d be happy to have them all over the garden though. The other plants look like they’re doing well. Only because you’ve kept them going with the watering though.
    I hope your going to do the machine embroidery pretty soon, or that stabiliser will be on its way out in the next clear out 😂
    Enjoy your soak.

  2. A busy but not hard day, just a nice toasted sandwich for lunch and very tasty.
    The garden is coping fairly well at the moment but the ban comes in on the 26th August so better make sure that get a few good watering so before then.
