Saturday 6 August 2022

Reading on the bus!

Went down the road for the local shopping and then helped unpacking the grocery delivery. Darren went off for his Amiga and visiting trip, so pleased they are happening regularly again now. Then I went over the road to catch the bus into Beverley. No particular reason for going, just for a change. Finished reading Thin Air, the fifth Shetland book I think, so will start the next one when I go to bed. Very busy in Beverley so ended up having coffee nd cake t a little cafe at the far end of the main streets. The view out doesn’t look busy, but it was on the outer edge of the main town.
I walked along the road towards the Minster as I wanted to avoid all the telephone wires!
I bought a plant as it is unusual and I fancied trying to draw it!
When I got home I had some flowers wanting from Judi for covering the books for her. Got to use my bargain 50p vase gain!
I just watered the bonsai trees this evening, will probably use the hose again tomorrow evening. Took a photo of a lovely white gladioli that has opened.
Have done a sketch of the new plant while the idea to do it was still fresh in my mind!
Athletics and start the new book tonight!


  1. A little trip out is always good. Better than sitting around the house, or worse still gardening! Admit it, it was just an excuse to finish the book and get tea and cake. I think you’re doing very well reading on the bus, I know for a fact that I’d feel really sick 🤢 You’re flying through those books. Great to hear there’s a new series of Shetland starting next week. Real shame it’s the final series though ☹️ Why do they always stop the good series?
    The plant you bought looks huge! Bet that was fun getting home on the bus. Did it have its own seat? Your drawing of it by the way is very good. Nice vase of flowers too. That was a nice thing for her to do.
    Bet you’re already into the new book by now. Enjoy.

  2. I did ask if they had big bags before I bought the plant as I thought I may struggle on the is rather striking.
    Haven’t started the next book in the series yet, but will do when I get to bed. Watching athletics at the moment,
