Thursday 4 August 2022

Quiet day but catch up with Sunday!

I was feeling a bit better today, but certainly not full of energy. Went out for breakfast with Tina as w had deliveries and an electrician coming later in the day. We ended up at Skirlaugh garden centre, had to wait a bit for our breakfast but we enjoyed it when it arrived. Didn’t buy any plants today but we got a new watering can and some garden canes and some pea netting and staples. The wisteria is getting big and will just not cling to the wall so is hanging over the drive. We were going to attempt to pin it back! We have tried, not over successfully as the cement is more like concrete! I took a before pic but forgot to take an after this evening, so will add them tomorrow. A couple of gladioli in the garden and a hollyhock which I bought as a small plant at the boot sale.

Sunday turned out to be quite a day, went with Darren to the boot sale, it was quite a damp day so not a lot of stalls but we enjoyed our sandwich and had a look round. I bought a great kitchen set, they only wanted a pound and I gave them two, Darren was very amused at my bartering skills!
They are in use on the counter now and I think they are great.
Hadn’t been in long when ninety year old Bel phoned for help as she had an injured seagull on the drive. I said I would take a box round and collect it. Got Darren to put it somewhere safe and give it some water while I went to the church to see where Tina takes the injured animals. That place has now closed so I had to start with the local vet and eventually was told to take it to a vet at the other side of Hull. Not quite the day Darren had planned but he took me there. They just thanked me and took the bird, we didn’t hear it it survived or not but we had done all we could. On the way back Darren’s car started to play up. He did manage to nurse it home and it has now been repaired, but Tina has had some early mornings taking him into work!
In the afternoon I picked some of the fruit, which was actually going over a bit and the spikes on the gooseberries are vicious!
A few weeks back Darren spotted a butterfly at the boot sale that he thought would look good on the summer house. I got around to putting it there on Sunday!
We watched the ladies win the European Cup and Pandora wasn’t as excited as us!
Will finish with an odd sky picture, the colour has pretty much moved by the time I was aware of it!
I will post some pictures I took on Monday tomorrow.


  1. Breakfast and gardening supplies is a good start to the day. Can’t believe you didn’t buy any plants, are you ill? ๐Ÿ˜Š You do have lots of lovely flower in the garden already though, as the pics show.
    Only you could pay double the asking price at a boot sale ๐Ÿ˜‚ I bet Darren rolled his eyes! They are nice canisters though and definitely worth £2. Very cute, and useful too.
    Hope the injured seagull made it ok. At least it had all the help it could get. Poor Darren, bet he had lots of things planned. But I suppose the car breaking down then was better than halfway to work on Monday. Good job you’re a two car family.
    I love gooseberries. Used to have a small bush in the garden but it appears to have disappeared. They do make a nice crumble when they’re available.
    Pandora looks really comfy in that basket, even though there are far more comfortable places elsewhere. Cats are weird!

  2. Sunday was certainly not the day that we had planned, never a dull moment,
    The garden is just about surviving the drought, we don’t have a hosepipe ban yet so I have watered tonight as no rain is forecast.
    The gladioli are opening up now, very striking plants.
