Saturday 1 May 2021

Quite a Day!

We set out early, Tina had to drop some papers off in Skipsea and then had to go and sign some papers at the garage in readiness for her collecting her new car next week. Then we set off to find the house where we ere to collect my Davenport. A really lovely couple who had a flat in this very impressive building.
We had borrowed Darren’s car as it is bigger, the couple got it into the back of it for us. They apologised for not dusting it as we had arrived a bit early and they had only arrived just before us. From there we went into the town and parked in a car park rather than try to get a space at the auction house. We fancied a cup of tea so went towards the town too. There weren’t any benches nearby so we walked up to a little green area. We were joined by a single gull and a crow eyeing us up! There was a small church facing the area too.

We went ad had a look around the auction, saw the very useful storage unit that she wanted to bid on. We headed into the town after that and it was heaving! So we went and used the loos and decided not to eat in the town so maybe head to the mere. Then Tina remembered a little chippy by the car park so we got small fish and chips and a cold drink and sat on a bench to eat them. There were new, very large planters with trees in the town, this picture gives an idea of how busy it was as well.
Then we went to the mere as we had taken duck and swan food. The swans were hungry and we did see one pair of geese who had babies.

When we got home Darren helped Tina get the Davenport in. I gave it a quick dust and took pics. The third one is the view I will have of the garden when writing at the desk.

When I was in Peterborough my niece Rose had bought a play mat for their cats and I had ordered one which arrived today. It is big but so far has caused some interest and a few spats!

Tina came up when I was starting to write a letter, had to try it out!

We had a lovely Chinese meal this evening to round off a very interesting day.


  1. Judging by the skies in the pictures it looks like it was a glorious day weatherwise. Luckily they helped load the desk into the car for you specially if it had to be carried downstairs! You really should’ve asked for a discount as it hadn’t been dusted 😊
    Good job you weren’t eating your fish and chips with that gull around. The little devils love to pinch peoples chips!
    The town does look extremely busy and not too much social distancing going on from the looks of it! Those new planters are huge.
    I do like the mere at Scarborough. I used to enjoy walking around that. The wildlife looks happy to be fed too.
    The desk looks really great. Definitely a bargain and you were destined to get it really with it being collection only in Scarborough. I think you’re going to get a lot of use out of it. A nice view while you’re writing letters. You’ll get distracted by the wildlife. It looks very comfortable to write at in the pics with you using it. I like that chair too.
    The cat mat is very different, not seen anything like that before. Rose does manage to find some unusual interesting things. It’ll be interesting to see what they actually do with it.
    A Chinese meal always rounds off a day nicely. No cooking and not much washing up 😊

    1. I am delighted with the Davenport and I am sure it will give me a lot of pleasure. It was a lovely bright day but certainly a chill on the wind.
      It was very busy in Scarborough but we avoided being close to people and it will be good for the businesses.
      The mere was really busy today, the first time we had to park out on the street and not in the car park.
      Not quite sure where the cat mat will live as it is a bit on the big side!
