Monday 10 May 2021

The Juki has landed!

A bit of a waiting game for half of the day but I got to the shop fairly early and then went into the garden, started some tidying u on the main bed in the front garden, and pulled a few weeds for the path. That bed is getting quite established and not too weedy although a good few dandelions and small weed seedlings, I know Idid quite a bit of clearing but not easy to see when it is full of so many flowers, I spent about forty minutes and then  some rain arrived.

After lunch I spent some time on the fairly garden, that way I was near the front door should the elusive sewing machine arrived. I filled a couple of garden carts of unwanted plants, mainly poppies. But they had to go as you couldn’t actually see it was a fairly garden anymore, I removed all the tiny pavers and will probably end up moving the houses and their pavers so that I can dig out some of the weed and seedlings. Going to replace the wooden edging as well with wine different bed edging. This is really a work in progress project!

I was catching my breath whe I saw the UPS van pull up so went downstairs to take my delivery in! The man carried it down on his shoulder but it was pretty heavy so I got it to the base of the stairs!

Tina carried it upstairs for me so that I didn’t have to wait for Darren to get home. Firstly getting the outer wrapping off and then a struggle to actually get it out of the box!

A lot of accessories and if this is a mini I hate to think how heavy a maxi one is! A closer view.....
I read the instruction book from cover to cover, the threading is very different it what I have been used and a little more complex. I thought ai would leave the next step until tomorrow. But after tea I decided to start with winding the bobbin, again a bit different and it fits in on the side rather that the usual top loading. That done successfully I decided to have a go at threading the machine, that was okay except I could not fathom the needle threader so  just threaded the needle by eye. So on row of stitching done and I know that it works!
I didn’t do the exercises today as I really didn’t feel up to it, so need to get them done tomorrow! Also supposed to be going to see Lesley in her garden tomorrow so maybe not too much experimenting.


  1. That bed looks really nice. I can see why you get lots of comments from passers by. If it were just a case of pulling out the odd dandelion every now and then in the rest of the garden wouldn’t that be nice? 😊
    The fairy garden was little overgrown. Maybe the residents wanted a bit of peace and quiet for a while! Already beginning to look a lot better though.
    I love big parcels! That one does look a monster though and definitely heavy. It’s taken a while to get to you, but I’m sure once unpacked it’ll be well worth the wait. Poor Tina! I bet she wished she hadn’t offered to carry it up those stairs! She’ll be in bed with a bad back for the rest of the week!
    It looks a very well made machine, and lots of bits too. I’m sure it looks more complicated than it is and you’ll soon have it all sussed and will be knocking out projects one after the other. There’s nothing better than having a new toy to play with 😊 That’s tomorrow sorted for you then. Once you’ve done your exercises and visiting that is! I’ll be very surprised if there’s not a sample of its work, or even a completed item on here tomorrow!
    You had to thread it and check it actually sewed this evening. I’d have been the same. It’s good to know it actually works though after all the miles it’s done to get to you.
    So, what’s the next toy on the list? 😄

  2. It has been a long time coming, and I have been on the verge of cancelling but pleased now it has arrived and have got far enough to check it is working! I am not in a big rush but sure the enthusiasm will increase as I get used to it.
    A reasonable bit of gardening today, will be good to have a visible fairy garden again.
    No more new toys planned.
