Thursday 13 May 2021

Busy in the garden!

Morning, afternoon and evening in the garden today. I nipped out to post a letter earlier and again to the chemist this afternoon. I had hoped the new pain killers would be in but not yet, they have my phone number now so will text me when they are ready.
This morning I started on the bed with the acre in, it was well overgrown and the grass was edging in! Quite a few toadstools around as well!

Removed another fairly large root, I Don think I will ever stop finding them!
I got that bed tidied and before lunch decided to do a bit of clearing near the apple tree where I feed the birds. The aquilegia were being crowded out by nettles and ground elder and there we a lot of the horrid tap root weeds.

I got that area tidied before going indoors for a break.

After lunchI worked right round the main bed weeding and remarking the edges. It took quite a while as I wanted to get right round. The idea being to have it ready for some of the plants that I have had waiting for a only time, I did take an after!

After tea I went out again for a while and got about a dozen plants into the ground, so all in all a productive day, let’s home the legs and hands don’t make me regret it!


  1. You really have been busy on that garden today. It is looking extremely good though. Such a lot of hard work, you should sleep very well tonight.
    The acer looks even better now it’s sitting in a perfectly manicured bed. I’d have left the toadstools as I do like to see them too 😊
    The long shot showing the edging you did also shows off just how nice the whole thing is looking these days. It looks smashing. Hopefully this summer you will be able to have visitors around and be able to spend time out there appreciating it all.
    I really hope you don’t suffer tonight for it all, but I have a sneaky suspicion your limbs might rebel tonight!

  2. More gardening than I have done in a while, not feeling too bad at the moment so fingers crossed I won’t suffer too much! Have more plants to get in if I feel up to it tomorrow!
