Sunday 9 May 2021

Rain stopped play again!

It was overcast when I fed the birds and was beginning to spit when I came in. We decided that the field would probably be muddy and not many stalls anyway so we would give the boot sale a miss this week. But Darren suggested we go and have a sausage sandwich at Lily’s Beach Cafe on the front instead. We phoned to make sure she was open and then set off. It had brightened up but there have been stormy clouds on and off all day, quite a bit warmer though and no frost this morning. As I went over to take some photos of the sea I noticed an oil rainbow on the road, so common when I was a child get rarely see one now!
Some pictures of the sea, we did have a short walk along the front before coming home.

When I was Face Timing with Anya Pandora was on my lap and Anya took a couple of screen shots, will post them both although very similar, she was such a happy purry cat!

Tina bought a brilliant cartridge paper book on Etsy to see if her wardens would like to use them for wedding registration in church. I said one would be lovely for me to use as a design book for things I may do with the new sewing machine! Today she kindly gave me the sample one and will order a couple more. Even found a matching pen, well sort of, one that Mike made for me some time ago.
While I was having a break when getting the dinner I even made a start!
We watched the Grand Prix this afternoon and it was pretty good.
When I was putting the fox food out I took a photo of these tulips. They have been open for ages and have weather everything that has been thrown at them and I think they still look stunning.
Hopefully photos of the new beast tomorrow, but suppose I will have to make time for the dreaded exercises as well!


  1. Shame you didn’t get out to the boot sale today, they may have been a bargain. But it looks as though the weather wasn’t very good at all your way. It’s actually been quite a nice day here for a change. At least you manage to still get your sausage bap.That’s what Sunday mornings are made for! It does look gloomy along the beach, but it looks like you pretty much had it to yourselves, and it makes for good pictures so not all was lost.
    Pandora does look really happy in those photos. But that could have something to do with the fact that you spoil her rotten, and she knows which side her bread is buttered 😊
    That does look a nice book, and also a very nice pen 😊 You have no excuses now for not making stuff with your new sewing machine as you already have designs to be getting on with.
    Hopefully the new machine will arrive early tomorrow and give you time to have a play with it, and to take photos of it of course.
    Those exercises seem to have come round again very quickly. Just keep telling yourself “they are doing you good!” You’ll laugh about them another time…..maybe.

    1. Not a bad day and the bedroom is pretty clear and ready for the new arrival.
      There were a few people around on the front, but it was quite early on a grey Sunday morning!
      It is a fabulous book, I will really try to keep using it.
