Sunday 23 May 2021

Back to the special days calendar and obscure words.

I haven’t mentioned the calendars or a while, today is World Turtle Day, that’s a nice one to catch up with.
This morning Darren took me to the boot sale as usual. Not too busy and we walked all the way round and neither of us had bought anything but I had seen a little wren ornament which I went back for.
I have two very similar, but you can’t have too many.
A little while ago Tina ordered some flowerbed edging made out of recycled tyres. They were for me to put along the edge of the fairy garden but the weather hasn’t been good and I needed to do it when Tina was out as she parks the car next to the fairy garden. To start with I got it in place and went back later to clear the weeds from the path and get the pebbles next to it.

I watched the Grand Prix and soon after that got on with dinner. After dinner Tina suggested we go for a breath of fresh air. We had winter coats and hats on as it had turned really cold! We had a short walk and I took a couple of pics.

We were taken by this sign, so big, maybe for short sighted dogs?
An obscure word.
Nabob (n.) : One returned to Europe after having gained a vast fortune in the east.


  1. World Turtle Day is a good one. Turtles are cute, unless they bite you of course!
    The little wren was worth going booting for, and the sausage bap too!
    The new edging looks good. It’s great it’s made from recycled tyres too. Should last a really long time. Quite a plush little estate those fairies live in 😊
    The beach doesn’t look very inviting in those pics. Very wintery. I suppose they have to make the signs that big for the short sighted dog owners who take little or no notice of them!
    Was the bloke who returned to Europe with his fortune called Fred…………Bob 😄

    1. It really is good edging, will have to try very hard not to let it get overgrown again.
      I love the little wren, I have a nice little collection now.
      It was pretty chilly on the front, not much like late May weather!
