Monday 3 May 2021

Welcome rain and a productive day!

Today is National Wordsmith Day, I never did get around to the book I planned on my mind. Probably would have been called ‘Who’s Normal Anyway’.
Not likely to get around to it now but most people are supposed to have a book in them!
Today Tina came out into the garden with me and we spent a couple of hours with hoes in hand! Tina has been tidying up the area behind the big flower bed in the back garden and my plan today was to hack back the jungle that has grown alongside the summer house!

A good couple of hours later we were ready to go indoors and collapse, we finished just before the rain came!

This afternoon and into this evening I have decided it is time to bite the bullet and sort through the photos. This pile of boxes probably isn’t all the photos and cards etc that I have filling shelves!! Then. I could start decided what to put in the photo screen.
I have put the cat play mat in my living room for now and Blue decided to curl up on it this afternoon.
I have created chaos in my room but had got half a sack of photos etc for the bin! Have picked and sorted the larger photos, just have the smaller groups of mounts to fill now.
Not sure it I will finish it off this evening, although clearing up and seeing how many boxes aren’t needed now will be interesting, but I have given myself a headache.
We have had a good fall of rain today which is really good.


  1. There is still plenty of time for you to write a book. You could sit out in the summer house when the weather is a bit nicer and write to your hearts content, or you could even sit at your Davenport 😊 Either way it would be more fun than gardening! Two hours gardening sounds like a lifetime to me. But I have to say I always like to see the after shots as it looks so nice. I’m not a bit surprised you were both pooped.
    Blimey that is a lot of boxes which means an awful lot of photos to sort through.
    The cat mat is a great idea but is so large you need a gigantic house to be able to use it. The cats would really need their own living room!
    I think the photo sorting is a really good idea. We all have loads of photos we never even look at. A shame really. The ones you’ve chosen so far all the screen look really good. At least they’ll get looked at on a regular basis now, and maybe in a few months time you can change them for some others. Although I’m sure you’ve had enough of sorting photos for at least the next year or so. And a headache into the bargain ☹️
    Hope the weeds don’t have a mad surge after all the rain.

    1. A busy day really but definitely something to show for it!
      Don’t know about changing the pictures, maybe I will spot another photo screen!
      We are glad that we removed a fair amount of weeds before the rain came!
