Saturday 8 May 2021

Change of plans!

I had planned to get on in the garden today as I have a lot of plants that really need to be in the ground, but it started to rain when I went to the shops early and has stayed that way most of the day. So I got the material put that I bought in Bridlington and started to get ready to layer the quilt in readiness for the machine arriving on Monday, fingers crossed! I trimmed the edges off the quilt top to make it into a rectangle. The pieces seemed bright and I thought it I would try to fix them together as a practice piece.
It was a bit tricky because of the angles, but I have got it ready to make into a quilt sandwich to practice on.

I got the material for the backing sewn together and the wadding cut to size, I may assemble them tomorrow,
A couple of weeks ago I got another bargain at the boot sale, a small slow cooker in great condition for a pound! I used it to make vegetable soup today and it worked really well.
I am not sure what the weather forecast is so we haven’t decided whether we are going to the boot sale in the morning,


  1. It has been a miserable old day today, but it sounds like you’ve made the most of your time indoors. You can always find plenty to do.
    Of course the new machine will come on Monday. Well it certainly ought to after the length of time you waited for it!
    That material really is bright isn’t it. But you want it to stand out so that’s good. There’s no point in making it if it doesn’t jump out at you 😊 I bet you’re really looking forward to playing with the new machine. There’s nothing better than getting a new toy! All those odd bits you’ve joined together look very good. What will it end up as do you know, or is it just play with it, sew it and see?
    The slow cooker looks a dinky one. Perfect size for one. Hope the weather is kind tomorrow so you can go booting. There may be bargains waiting to be had!

  2. I have got a bit of enthusiasm for the sewing back so that is good.
    I will probably make a funky shaped cushion cover from the piece.
    The slow cooker is dinky but in perfect order and worked a treat.
