Sunday 30 May 2021

A better bird tale!

We left for the boot sale at 7.30am as we guessed it would be busy and Darren had an appointment to give blood in Hull later in the morning. It was heaving already when we got there so we wore masks the whole time after we had had our breakfast. We were in the minority with the masks but we were happy to be wearing them. There was a man playing a portable organ there today, for charity, he was really good too.
I just bought a crazy clock and two courgette plants!
I started thinking about a design for another piece to do on the machine but Pandora had other ideas!
I took a book out into the summer house this afternoon, had to take a blanket because it was actually quite cold. The next few photos show the good bird story of the week. A visiting pair of ducks roaming around!

After dinner Tina drove us up to Mappleton.

I took a slightly closer photo of the beach so that you can see the family down there. The tide was coming in and already at the cliffs near the slope. Tina phoned the coast guard to warn them, but in the end she had to phone them back as they did make it out although the children were wet up to the knees.
Darren and Tina plan to dig out the tree stumps it the bed by the greenhouse. Then I will be able to dig it over when I have the energy!


  1. I can imagine how heaving it was at the boot sale. A nice bank holiday and everyone is out. Shame they all left their masks at home though. I like your clock. I’ve seen those myself. Very good design. Might be too easy for the cats to knock off wherever you put it.
    Pandora definitely has a thing about not letting you do stuff 😊
    Nice to actually spend a bit of time in the garden appreciating it rather than tending it. Great to have unusual wildlife to look at too. You have plenty of room for a nice big pond.
    You do like your trips up to Mappleton. Always looks nice there. Judging by the wind farm I’m guessing it gets quite breezy at times.

  2. A nice day and it was great to see the ducks and luckily the cats were indoors.
    We do like Mappleton.
