Wednesday 26 May 2021

Crafty day and unexpected visitor!

It has been a miserable day weather wise, drizzly rain in and off and pretty cool. I nipped put a couple of times on errands quite early and then got preparing veggies for a cottage pie later then I sorted out some card making stuff to get some made. Tina had a delivery of some chairs she had seen and they were out in the rain for a while, not new, but very sturdy.
Just before lunchtime Blue was up on the side looking up the fan, it is very old and has never worked properly. The bottom slat was slightly bent and moving, I thought it must be the wind. Then I definitely saw something move! Tina was about to go out but she got up on the side and broke some of the other slats off. She said she could still hear something but it had managed to hide out of reach. I was left with the cats and a mystery visitor! Locked 
Blue out and stopped Pandora going in the kitchen, she was very put out, I went in a couple of times to see if there was any sign of the intruder then on the third check there was a young starling getting agitated by the window!  I had a small deep box so after moving a good bit of furniture had it boxed and as I opened the back door Blue shot in, that was going to plan. I put the bird on the storage cupboard, it stood for a few seconds, then flew up  wall and then off into the trees. We need to do something about the fan as any other visitors will now be able to come straight into the kitchen and cause mayhem with the cats!
I made three cards which I am pleased with, the black ones are sheets I coloured quite a while ago.
I ordered a plate hanger which arrived today and now the unusual silver tray I bought at the boot sale is up on the wall.
Then I set the sewing machine up and copied a small design I did a couple of nights ago onto some material used different colours and although it is fairly small I am really pleased with it. Have ordered some aperture cards.
When Tina was on her way back from meeting her friend she called in the shop and bought me some flowers. They are lovely.
Today is World Lindy Hop Day.


  1. Those chairs do look very sturdy, has she a use for them or did she just buy them on a whimsy?
    The tale of the starling in the kitchen did make me smile. I can visualise what would’ve happened had the cats been in there. It would’ve been like a scene from Tom and Jerry cartoon, with the mouse swapped for a starling obviously! You’d have been a wreck trying to keep them all apart whilst saving the baby starling. Looks like you have a big hole to cover to stop any more getting in until you find how they’re getting in there. Isn’t life fun? 😊
    The cards look nice. I would think you have loads more to make as you know so many people. Pity you can’t make your own stamps too!
    The little design you’ve sewn looks great. I really like that. Bet it wasn’t that easy being as small as it is. You’re having fun with that new machine.
    The flowers are lovely. A nice thought. The vase isn’t bad either 😊

    1. An enjoyable day really getting some crafty things made.
      And a successful outcome with the starling which was a relief.
      The flowers are fabulous colours.
