Thursday 6 May 2021

Quite a full day

This morning Tina set off to collect her new car and visit a friend and then make a delivery at Beverley. After the Ringtons man had been I caught the bus into Hull. I snoozed for a good part of the journey but it stops at the Hull interchange so no problem really. I had a pretty successful shopping trip, I had two vouchers for the Body Shop and they also had a buy two get one free on the small hand creams so that was good. Tina and I both like their hand creams and when I got home I found that I have earned another voucher for next time I shop there! Then I went to Boots who had mailed to invite me back to Boots to buy my Clinique as Debenhams are closing and no longer stock it. They had a really good offer on so bought one item and got the free gift! A good start and then went to Debenhams which is no closing in less that a week. Got some fantastic bargains there so all in all a very good shopping trip. I went to the City centre and to the eatery I went to last week, had a nice lunch and the sun was out so it wasn’t too chilly. The storm clouds were around though so took a few pics.

My legs have been quite painful today and it wasn’t helped when ai decided to catch the next but with only ten minutes to go and a fairly long walk. Of course I arrived just in time and the bus was a bit late leaving, gave me time to catch my breath! The bus both ways was pretty empty.
I had a cup of tea when I got home then walked down the road to vote. Tina arrived home just after I was back so took a photo of her with the fancy new, all electric car.
Tina wanted to go down to the Leisure centre car park and try out the free charging station there. We got the car charging and then walked along the front and ordered cups of tea at the little chippy there. There were two seagulls being very entertaining digging around in the gutters above the shop,we presumed they were maybe nesting.

We had a bit of a walk and more stormy skies in one direction.

Fun and games when we got back to the car, we could not get the charging cable out! Discussion, checking in the manual and eventually a phone call to the garage, we were a giggly pair by the time the car was good to go!
So, we both had pretty busy and successful days and are both pretty tired now!


  1. You have been busy today, both of you. Definitely a good day for bargain hunting on your part. Sounds like you did very well in that respect. Hull doesn’t look overly crowded in your pictures, although as things pick up I’m sure it will fill up a bit soon.
    At least you got to sit down for an hour on the bus after your route march to catch it. Shame the legs are playing up so much, but you’re still getting out and about which is good.
    I like the Rev’s fancy car. If I got another one I think I’d like an electric one too. I had to laugh pretty loudly about the fun you had trying to disconnect it from the charger. That’s exactly the sort of thing I would end up doing 😊 At least she knows how to do it now.
    I’m not surprised you’re a bit tired, bargain hunting is hard work!
    Relax a bit for the rest of the evening and hopefully the legs will feel a bit better tomorrow.

  2. An enjoyable day despite the unhappy legs!
    I don’t usually enjoy hitting the shops but it was great today, but I did go with specific shops in mind.
    Tina’s new car is very comfortable and smooth running,
