Monday 24 May 2021

Three guesses in today’s activity!

Today is National Scavenger Hunt Day, that’s a fun one,
I have spent a fair bit of time in the garden today, working on the area at the side of the house which hasn’t had a lot of attention. I earmarked three areas, the first hour on this bit.

After a break I went out and got the next bit done before lunch.

I had chopped up some vegetables early this morning and put them in the slow cooker to make soup. So after lunch I put it into containers and then made a few scones as Darren and Tina had some left over clotted cream and needed something to put it on! After that I went back out into the garden and made a rough effort on the third area which has never been edged or tidied that much, although Lesley did clear some of the weed there last week.

I went to see Sarah and David this evening for a chat and on the way back saw this amazing motorbike in the Hornsea Selling Centre.
Will finish with an obscure word.
Gobemouche (n.) : A gullible fool who believes anything.


  1. A scavenger hunt sounds like fun.
    You definitely achieved quite a bit in the garden today. All three of those ares look totally different after a bit of loving attention, and a few gardening tools 😊
    I really fancy scones and clotted cream now! May have to add them to my list of things to get tomorrow. Best of all it’ll all be your fault for mentioning them 😊
    I’ve seen one of those wicker motorbikes somewhere myself but can’t think where. They are very good, although I quite like the tortoise/turtle next to it.
    Hmmm….not sure if I’m a gullible fool for believing the meaning of that word!

    1. Kept quite busy today so hopefully sleep okay as I am up early in the morning as I have a blood test at 8am!
      Tina bought some plants home this evening, so weather permitting I will get them in tomorrow.
