Saturday 22 May 2021

Work through it!

I was in a very despondent mood this morning, tired of the extra twinges I am getting along with the legs and hands. I went and got the usual Saturday morning bits at the shops, then went out again to Boyes to see if ai could get some material to make a cover for the Davenport. They had a surprising good selection and I wanted upholstery quality to protect it from the sun as well as the cat!
I also called in at the chemist and at last got the tablets prescribed by the doctor. Went out a third time as I had forgotten to post off the form for the Garage sale. Called in at the Poundland which opened today, didn’t have the ankle supports I was looking for but it seems well stocked and spacious. It is where Fultons used to be and next to the Factory Shop.
To shake off my low mood ai worked in the garden for over an hour, tidying the bed along the other wall of the front garden. Tried to clear some of the weeds off the path as well.

After lunch I measured the Davenport and made a patter from newspaper.
Then spent time before and after the FaceTime call with the family making the cover. Before the call I sorted out the hair chalks as Kate had mentioned them on the last call she was on. Not too bright and the photo makes it seem even paler!
The cover isn’t the best fit but is better that the blanket I have been protecting it with! Took me up until dinner time.
Watching Eurovision now so will finish so that I can concentrate on the scoring!!


  1. It’s not surprising you feel despondent occasionally. You have had a lot to put up with for quite a long time and things have gotten worse lately. I’m sure everyone in the same position would feel much the same at times. But at least you always manage to drag yourself back up again pretty quickly. Not sure I’d have picked gardening to make myself feel better though 😊 But it looks like it was ready to be done and definitely looks better after a bit of attention.
    Makes a change to see you with a bit of colour in your hair. You’ve not bothered much lately. I think I prefer mauve to the green though.👩🏻‍🎤
    The cover turned out ok. It’ll certainly protect it from the sunlight, and the occasional bit of attention from the cats! Should last you a lot of years and facilitate the writing of lots of letters, limbs permitting!
    Not a bad day considering the low start you had. Now you’re going to spoil it by watching Eurovision 😀 Enjoy.

    1. I have worked through it, not much point in wallowing and feeling sorry for yourself, ended up being fairly productive which is always good for the mood!
      Of course I will enjoy Eurovision, whether I can stay awake to the end is another matter.
