Saturday 15 May 2021

First project finished!

This morning Pandora landed on my lap for a while, she is becoming more of a lap cat the longer we have her.
I went to the shop early, did a couple of household chores when I got home and then helped when the shopping delivery arrived. Then out to the garden where I got most of the plants into the ground. I took a photo of the bed in front of the summer house as I hoed it again after I had added some more plants. There is a standard daisy like plant at the back which will be good to look at.
I walked up to the hairdressers and made an appointment and had a chat with Sal as they are having a lot of problems with their teenage daughter. We may see them at the boot sale in the morning, weather permitting,
After lunch I got started on making the piece of quilting I had done into a suction cover. I made the back with an opening in the middle. It turned out pretty well.

Then of course I had to make a hexagonal shaped cushion to go inside! Job done and I will keep this first finished article made with the new machine!
Tina ordered some edging for the fairy garden and a couple of extra pavers made from recycled tyres. I have put the pavers out near the summer house, may get around to getting the edging in place tomorrow.
We will go to the boot sale if it is not raining, we do enjoy our trips there.


  1. She loves sitting on you, and you love her sitting there 😊 It forces you to relax for a while too, so all in all it’s good.
    Looks like you kept yourself busy again with chores and in the garden. That bed in front of the summerhouse does look nice. I bet it’s a pleasure to sit in there these days.
    I think the cushion cover turned out great. Not bad for leftover scraps and a new machine. Its nice and bright, perfect to have in the summerhouse. It’s got you off to a great start with it. Any other ideas percolating in that brain of yours?
    The recycled pavers are a good idea. You’d never guess they were from old tyres.
    Blimey, is it Sunday again tomorrow?! The time does fly. I’d forgotten it was car booting day again. The weather this way isn’t supposed to be very good, so I hope you fare better up there.

  2. Will keep this short as I am very weary and the internet is playing up today, and I often can’t get comments on when it isn’t!
    That area of the garden looks nice now and I am really. Pleased with the cushion.
