Friday 7 May 2021

Breaking news!

Today I have had not one but two emails about the elusive sewing machine! The first saying it was being packed ready for dispatch and the second to say it is on its way! Estimated delivery is Monday, I think it may be in Southampton at the moment so probably has a few different depots to go through!
On the sewing machine theme I got a gift today from Tina’s sister in law as a thank you for sending her three of the quilting books I had ordered. She has a very different expensive machine, hers has many stitches and patterns and can be programmed to do all sorts of fancy stuff. Mine will have just a fixed straight stitch and not even capable of zigzagging! Different horses for different courses! But a really cute little hanging which I love.
I did get out into the front garden for a while today, was going to go around removing dandelions but in the end concentrated on the corner bed after I had pulled out some of the bigger weeds from the drive.
A few people commented on the garden while I was out there, all positive which was good.
I did the exercise session again, really had little inclination as my legs were already aching, but it doesn’t seem to have made them any worse, got a couple of days off from them now. I was exercising in the dining room and Pandora settled on the chair, this photo makes her look much tinier than she is!
We had a heavy hailstorm today, really is very odd weather, there was ice in one of the bird baths again this morning! A lot of unsettled sky pics this week!
I have been thinking about getting a veggie box delivered for a while and have ordered one this evening which will come next Friday. Time will tell if I make good use of it, I have just ordered the one as a trial for now. My weight has been creeping up so I need to try and get it under control in case I go for the surgery on the right knee. Getting my weight low enough for the operation was very stressful!
Very black outside again, maybe more hailstones are on the way!


  1. That’s really good news about the sewing machine. It’s been so long since you’ve ordered it that it seemed like it was never going to turn up. I hope you’ve got lots of things planned for it when it does arrive. I love the hanging from Tina sister, that’s really nice. Hope you’re going to hang it so it is visible from where you sit and sew.
    I’m not surprised you had a lot of comments about the garden again. That corner looks really nice after you tended to it. It was well worth having that huge bit chewed out with that machine. You’d have never done it by hand.
    I know you don’t look forward to those exercises, but you still do them, which is probably more than I would! Good job you have willpower.
    Pandora does look tiny in that photo, and as if butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth.…. If only.
    I hope the veg box turns out to be a good one. The nicer the veg are the more you’re inclined to use them. Even I’ve been eating more veg lately. But in my case it won’t last! ☹️
    It’s been a really nice day here, but I think the weekend is destined for more inclement weather. Something to look forward to, not!

  2. Nothing really planned for the new machine although I do have the material to finish the lap quilt. I was raring to go when I ordered it but the inspiration has waned somewhat, hopefully it will return when I have the machine and have tried it out,
    I am managing to stick with the exercises although it is a bit of a song and dance, but it is only twice a week.
    Looking forward to trying the veg box, well, it is a mixed box so will have veggies, fruit and salad.
