Tuesday 18 May 2021

What’s under the bonnet?

Tina has the electric car now and ai have been wondering about what is under the bonnet as no engine as such! Today she opened it up and there was not all the spare space I had imagined there would be!
Good news in a way, although I could still feel some pain in my ankle, more like bruising but there was no bruise, but I could weight bear and get about reasonably well. So I did go out in the front garden for getting on for an hour and was mainly hoeing and tidying the bed along all of one side. I will do the other side another day,
Tina had a bit of free time for lunch and we went up to Freeport. Had a light lunch and went in the Pound Stretcher and a shoe shop.
This afternoon I set up the machine to sew the design I got onto material yesterday. I struggled to start with, think I had the bobbin in wrong and actually bent a needle, so now know how to replace it! Then it just wouldn’t stitch, checked I had threaded it right and changed the settings, then realised the thread was catching on the plastic circle that holds the cotton reel in place. There was a tiny piece of the plastic that kept catching the thread. Sorted that out and tried again. I struggled a bit trying to follow the curves, but hopefully practice will improve my efforts. I had thought ai would be using different colours but that idea soon vanished!
Have watched the final of All That Glitters this evening which was good and afterwards noticed that the sky was pretty over the shops opposite.
Doctors appointment in the morning, then helping Tina at lunch time. Seeing the physio/chiropractor in the afternoon as well.


  1. I’ve never looked under the bonnet of an electric car either. You’d have been shocked if there had been a big box of AA’s ๐Ÿ˜Š It is a bit cramped in there, but I suppose they have to put stuff somewhere. Looks very clean!
    Glad to hear you took it reasonably easy today. At least you didn’t do any digging, so that’s good for you!
    I think the sewing turned out ok. It must be difficult doing the tight curves on a small toe ice like that. Normally with quilts etc they would be more flowing and not so tight. Either way you’ll soon have the hang of doing it.
    I’ve enjoyed All That Glitters. I hope they make another series. Very interesting.
    I love the final pic!
    Busy day for you tomorrow. Hopefully between the doctor and the physio you can get some of your non working bits working again ๐Ÿ˜Š

  2. Live in hope for the medical advice, fingers crossed!
    Not sure what I was expecting under the bonnet, not as much as there was though!
    I will get the hang of the sewing, it will be enjoyable watching any progress, presuming there will be some!
