Wednesday 5 May 2021

Cartoonists Day

I never did really get the hang of cartooning, I enjoy seeing them but it is a definite skill.
When going through all the photos, souvenirs and saved cards I found this card drawn for me by a very good friend at the time, that was back in 1986! So this card has travelled with me a fair bit over the years. Sadly Kathy who drew it died a good few years ago, 
I decided it was time I got it framed and it is now on the wall but not where it gets the sun as I don’t want it to fade.
While on the crafty theme I did finish putting photos into the screen, a bit of fiddling with the smaller ones at the top.
I did do some tidying up in the walled garden this morning, didn’t take my pictures but managed to fill the garden cart with weeds!
I got some photos and bits ready to send to a couple of people so I walked down to the post office this afternoon. My non operation leg has been quite painful so I took it steadily. Then I walked up to the sea and it was quite stormy looking today.

When I was putting the fox food out I noticed that the English bluebells that had seemed to have given up had actually starts to open. They are a bit daintier than the Spanish ones.
The flowers that I got for my birthday and still looking absolutely lovely.
Thinking of going into Hull again tomorrow.


  1. The otter is lovely. Definitely deserved framing and keeping it out of the sun is a very good idea. It’s amazing the things we all have tucked away. I suppose that’s why sorting things out and getting rid of stuff is very difficult.
    The screen turned out really nice in the end. Another one of your bargain buys. A great selection of pictures too. Again, better than having them tucked away in drawers where no one can see them.
    Sounds like you’ve kept yourself quite busy today, as usual! It’s a shame the leg is giving you so much hassle lately. I know you still manage to get out and about but it doesn’t make it easy. Certainly worth the walk up to the sea today though as the stormy clouds really make for a good picture. Nice to see but not somewhere you want to stay for very long.
    Your birthday flowers have done really well. Are you sure they’re not plastic? 😊
    A trip into Hull sounds a great idea. Hopefully the weather will stay reasonable for you and the leg will be kind and behave itself! At least it keeps you away from slaving over jobs at home for a while 😊

    1. Yes, I have managed to get a few things done today, the weather has been very changeable again today, there was ice in a bird bath today, then it was cold and stormy but then the sun was really hot for a while!
      I do love the otter picture, it deserves to be on show,
