Monday 17 February 2020


Not much to write tonight, have been in doing a few jobs around the house and fighting with the ever present need for getting organised! No letter from the hospital again but did manage to talk to the consultants secretary today. The surgery should be early April, I should get confirmation of the pre op appointments this week.
On Saturday I bought a sheet of stickers that you can put on wheelie bins, so cut them out and out them on this morning.
Nothing else of interest today, the sky was quite pretty this evening! Will endeavour to do better tomorrow!


  1. It’s good that you at least know the op is going to go ahead. Nothing worse than waiting.
    The bins look very nice. Shame you couldn’t get ladybirds, or better still otters 😊
    The sky was nice and red here this evening. I don’t very often get to see it so it was nice. Didn’t take any pics though. I don’t have a clear view like the one you have.
    You make out you’ve not done much, but I know you’ll have done plenty of things really. Certainly more than the average person with two fully working legs!

  2. Just behaving like an old girl with dodgy legs!! Seriously I have been pottering, not just sitting around.
    The sheets of stickers were cheap, wish I had bought more!
