Wednesday 5 February 2020

Life drawing and endless buttons!

Last night there was a live life drawing class on BBC 4 that you could actually draw along with. Had to go on line and get a link to the poses being on the screen for the length of the challenge. Couldn’t work it out for the first quick sketch so missed that one and the next one I had the board flat on my lap and made it too squat!
I moved a chair to prop up my board, the next challenge was ‘foreshortened’, some of the people in the studio had side on views but the one viewers got was pretty challenging! 
The next exercise was supposed to be done with charcoal and not outlined but I was just using pencils so drew the pose.
Then the final exercise which was about twenty five minutes was with two models. You were supposed to tell a story but I skipped that bit!
A very different two hour program. You could email your efforts in if you wanted but I didn’t do that. I would join in again if they do a follow up program.
Today I have been doing some more chores but also sorting yet more buttons that arrived and then did some small demonstration pieces.
Maybe tomorrow I will make a start on sorting my bedroom out. White House Farm tonight, that has bee so interesting.


  1. It was a good program. Even though I didn’t do any drawing I still found it very interesting. Glad you drew a long with it. Most of them were only ten minute challenges and I’m amazed anyone can get a likeness of a person in that short time. Especially when it actually looks like the subject that was posing! And there’s the reason I don’t draw! I know my limitations. Your efforts are really good and having seen the program I can attest that they look just like the models.
    You must be sick of the sight of buttons! You little demo pieces are very bright and attractive. I’m sure the people will enjoy copying those or doing something very similar. At least your all ready for the class on Friday now, so tomorrow should be a bit easier. Enjoy WHF.

  2. It was strange drawing from an image on the screen, bit like using a photograph, not quite the same as being in front of an actual model, but it was good to get the pad out and have a go.
    Certainly sick of buttons, and if it ends up being just one class I will have more stuff to find a place for! Then I have to start gathering stuff and making samples for the decoupage class next month.
    I am sure I will be gripped by White House Farm, it has held my attention so far.
