Monday 10 February 2020

Chilly day so getting a bit crafty!

This morning I went to the post office before going to the dentist. Started sleety rain while I was out and the wind was bitterly cold. Got my package sent and had my teeth checked and cleaned. The ones I have got left and holding on at the moment! I took a picture of the Dove House hospice shop window as I really think they are imaginative.
After lunch I thought I would cover one of the small brown cardboard boxes with tissue to see how it looked. My next class is decoupage and the white boxes are better really, but this one has turned out quite well. Really needs to be a darker colour tissue on the brown.
I went to see Sarah and David for a while and took receipts for some of the expenses from the button class. When I got home Darren was in so asked him for a small screwdriver as I wanted to remove the hinges from some wooden boxes so that I can paint and decorate them.
Have been painting and dismantling some of the costume jewellery I have collected. Maybe I will get one or two finished tomorrow.
The knee hasn’t been quite so painful today so all in all a good day. Will try the first part of The Pale Horse tonight.


  1. Good idea to get all the horrid jobs out the way first thing. At least you get the rest of the day then with really clean teeth 😊
    The hospice shop does look nice. Much better than most charity shops I’ve seen, and I think you’re more likely to go in one that looks nice and not “junky”.
    I quite like the box covered with the mauve paper. Think I prefer that to it being on white. Depends on the paper though and I suppose for most then white would be better. You can get them to decoupage boxes to store their buttons in 😊
    I remember the other boxes you did with the jewellery on. They looked really nice, so I look forward to seeing those finished.
    Hope the lack of pain in the knee today means a better night tonight for you 🤞🏻
    Enjoy your program.

  2. It was good to get the dentist out of the way, do hate having my teeth cleaned!
    Will do some more crafting tomorrow I expect, got deliveries of bird supplies coming so need to be in.
    Leg is a bit sore this evening but hopefully it won’t be keeping me awake!
    Program was creepy and good!
