Sunday 9 February 2020

Bad weather day!

Will start with a cute picture of Pandora from last night.
The weather has been horrid today but Darren and I thought we would have breakfast at the indoor market. When we got there even the indoor market had been cancelled! I had taken the better camera in case we came back via the sea. We ended up having a very nice breakfast in a little cafe on the sea front. Darren had scrambled eggs on toast and I had poached. I did walk to the sea front which despite the bad weather was not that interesting!

Didn’t hang around for long as I was nearly getting blown away!
The rest of the day I have been in, was going to make it a crafty day but then decided it was time to really tackle the amount of craft stuff I have, get it organised and see what can go. I emptied out the drawers under the bed and all the shelves, quite scary to look at where the bed used to be! Pandora got in one of the drawers and managed to squeeze over the back into the bed base, luckily she did get herself out! Have not long cooked and eaten dinner and have a couple of programs to watch tonight, but the bed is almost clear so not too much to do later!


  1. Was the sign on the stool for Pandora’s benefit? Seems appropriate.
    Glad you managed to get out for a while today. It has been pretty rough. The sea pics are a bit disappointing as I expected the sea to be really rough with lots of spray. Sadly not. Would have been better at high tide I think. But breakfast out with Darren is always good.
    It doesn’t matter how often either of us have a good sort out, the stuff just seems to accumulate again pretty quick. Think you need to go minimalist! Never going to happen 😊 At least you’re getting the idea of not piling the bed too high so going to bed is easier.
    Enjoy your evening.

  2. The bag wasn’t there on purpose, didn’t want to move it once she was settled.
    I feel like it has been a good day, I am pleased when I get around to doing some much needed sorting.
    The sea was very disappointing but it was good to be out for a bit.
    Need to go out tomorrow, have a dental appointment, fingers crossed the weather improves.
