Tuesday 18 February 2020

Pretty dull day

I went to the shops this morning and was struggling a bit, the knee wants to keep me thinking surgery is a good idea! I am not that easily convinced....
I was feeling a bit tired and off colour, spotted Audrey who used to come to the dot art sessions and suggested we went for coffee. She agreed and we had a drink and lovely natter for getting on for an hour.
I forgot the early picture, through a less than clean window, interestingly the windows have been cleaned today, just before it rained!
I went into the factory shop and got cute sign, good for calligraphy too and some fun cat bowls!

Did think about getting out in the garden for a bit this afternoon but by then it was spitting with rain so I hoovered the stairs instead!
I have started gathering everything together for my trip to Peterborough on Thursday, have already put some splints in the case!
Maybe I will be more energetic tomorrow. Pandora is going outside a lot now and we don’t have to leave the door open, so she is pretty acclimatised now.


  1. Sounds like the knee knows your not 100% sure the op is for the best, and as you say it’s keeping you minded that it is! It’ll all come out in the wash though.
    You should try to make the coffee meet up a regular thing. The world definitely needs putting to rights at least once a week 😊
    That window is a bit mucky, although I doubt it’s worse than mine! Now you know why I don’t take sunset or sunrise pics from the flat.
    Like the new cat bowls 😊
    Hope you’re going to pack the folding stick for your trip down here, just in case.
    Sounds like your baby cat is growing up fast. It’ll still want to be with you in the evenings though. In the warm and spoiled.

  2. Pandora has even bit out for a bit this evening, so no need to worry too much about her if we don’t see her for a few hours. Blue is using the kennel now it is outside the back door and I am sure Pandora would too providing Blue wasn’t in there!
    Audrey and I have exchanged phone numbers now so hopefully we will meet up now and again.
