Thursday 6 February 2020

Pie and mash shop and a bit of colouring.

A bit more housework this morning, used the spray mop that I got a while go, really successful, no buckets to worry about and the floor almost immediately dry. When I went to the shop I noticed that the sun had made the crocuses in tubs open, so pretty.
At lunch time I went to meet up with the HUG ladies and we met at the Green Owl which is a pie and mash place. The meal was presented in quite an unusual way.
There was gravy as well.
Sarah and David came round for a bit this afternoon for us to make sure we’ll know what we are doing.
I almost forgot that when I went out this morning to the shops I thought Pandora was in. She didn’t appear for some time and when I let Blue in Pandora appeared over the wall! The first time she has been really shut out so now we can worry less about her disappearing when she gets jittery.
A couple of weeks ago I bought a colouring book as I thought I could colour and frame some of the pages as presents.
It is resting on the lovely coloured pencils that I got in America a couple of years ago. I used them to colour the only J in the book. Not one of the nicest designs in there but the pencils worked well.
I will be very glad when it is this time tomorrow and the button session will be history!


  1. Not too much housework I hope. The new mop sounds a good investment. It’s a definite pain have to drag a mop bucket along when doing the floor. The built in spray is a good idea and no where as much water needed either. Good find.
    The crocuses do look nice. So many pretty flowers about at the moment considering how frosty it’s been in the mornings.
    The pie and mash looks tasty but the presentation is really weird. Never seen anything like that. I always imagined that pie and mash shops just dolloped it on the plate. You obviously went to a posh one 😊
    It’s nice to know that Pandora was ok being shut out. At least you won’t have to worry so much about her coming home now. She knows where she’s well off!
    You do manage to root out unusual things in shops. The letter book is a good idea. You had to do the J first too. How you manage to fit all these things into your life I’ll never know.
    Hope the button session goes ok tomorrow. I know it will.

  2. Some of the designs in the book are really attractive, gods to practice on that one first and see how the pencils look. I think felt or markers would be too much.i
    Not too much housework today and not too much exercise, better get that back on track!
    It is good that Pandora is confident outside now, one less worry.
    Will report on the button session tomorrow.
