Wednesday 12 February 2020

Change of plans

I was going to visit Sewerby Hall and gardens today with Sarah and David but Sarah has picked up a bug so we couldn’t make it. I had some letters to post so went down the road and called on at the Factory Shop on the way back picked up some bulbs, but not too many that were on offer on a rack outside and inside I got two great little containers for bird food. I am ordering a lot of it in bulk now. These little gems were only £2.50 each
lol of a sudden despite the wind and cold a beautiful daisy type plant has started to flower and is covered in buds!
I went with Tina to visit two parishioners who have home communion once a month. The gentleman is ninety nine. A lovely couple and we chatted as well as the home communion service. While I was waiting for Tina to come home from church before we went visiting Pandora decided to be an attractive ornament on the dresser!
This afternoon I caught the bus up to Freeport, bought a couple more boxes to decorate and had a coffee. I was only there for an hour as the last but is at three thirty and at the moment there is no way I could walk home! A bush there had such tiny delicate flowers appearing, Spring must be just around the corner!
When I got home I was watching the birds in the garden as the pheasant, seagull and crows were all around as well as the wood pigeons and various smaller birds. Although several seagulls sit on the roof we just have one that ventures down every day, often fighting over the food on offer with the pheasant. Today it was funny as the seagull was trying to break into the greenhouse! The pheasant joined in, he is often looking in as they can see the bird food is stored in there!
The final part of White House Farm tonight and the trial. It has been fascinating watching this recreation of events after the Bamber family killings.


  1. Destiny. If you’d have gone to Sewerby you would have seen the bargain containers. They look as though they’ll hold a fair bit. I keep saying it....those birds are spoiled 😊 What is it with you and bulbs? You spend days digging thousands out and then buy more to plant!
    Ninety nine is a fair age. Can’t imagine what a grumpy old git I’ll be if I ever get far. Highly unlikely though I think. Hope you get to visit him when he’s one hundred. I’ve never met anyone who was one hundred, but I’d love to. Don’t know why, I just would.
    A cat and all that crockery on the dresser just don’t go together. It would worry me to death she was going to wreck it all!
    The birds soon get wise to where the food is. Just don’t leave the greenhouse door open accidentally or you’ll have a lot of fat seagulls and pheasants laying on the lawn 😊
    I’m looking forward to the last episode too. It’s still gripping even though you know the outcome.

  2. Destiny indeed, I will take them out in the morning when I feed the birds.
    Pandora is surprisingly light footed and agile, probably won’t be as she gets older and heavier!
    Tina was only saying today the we needed to start digging up the Spanish bluebells again as they are now coming through thick and fast! Don’t hold out much hope of us ever eradicating them!
    It is strange that just the one seagull visits, you’d think it’s pals would come and see what it is eating, but one is enough really!
