Friday 21 February 2020

Friends and silly photos!

Skip dropped me off in town just after 8.30am this morning. I had spotted the Wimpy which has been there forever yesterday and decided to have a breakfast sandwich there. It was really tasty, not too big and quite reasonably priced, so a good start. I walked down to The Works, but it hadn’t long been open and the book that I wanted wasn’t on display, thought I would try again later in the day. Got caught up with a charity stall, that turned out to be frustrating but won’t go into that. Met up with Pearl in Cathedral Square at ten and we sat on a bench in Queensgate for a bit, the wind was really cold outside, then we went to a cafe and carried on nattering there. Made out way back to the square to meet up with Mary, Pearls daughter and Mike met up with us there. Mary took pics of me with Pearl and then they went on their way.
As they walked off we spotted dinosaurs wandering around the square, too goo a picture opportunity to miss! Mike didn’t mind being behind the camera!
Then a man with a large camera asked if he could take pictures, so this one was directed at him, there was another guy with a camera as well!
Mike took a picture that included the man. He took my name and said he worked for the Peterborough local paper! My friends In Peterborough will get next Thursdays edition! He did say you can look on line as well.
Mike treated me to a very nice lunch at the steak house, I had the mushrooms wellington which was really quite big, just had salad as my side though. We went in a couple of shops and then went and had a drink and donut! Probably not the best idea as I knew I had overdone it then! I got the book on the second visit to The Works. It is a hardback that hasn’t been out called The Sisters of Auschwitz, £18.99 is the cover price but they were selling it for £6.
We walked to the cloisters behind the cathedral and sat there for a while, it was nice but a bit chilly. Took a couple of pictures from that different angle.

Then we went and had a drink in the cathedral cafe. They had some ‘throne’ seats, another picture opportunity too good to miss, tried to look regal in the first one!!
Mike stayed with me until Angie picked my up after work. Luckily she had got nothing special in for tea so I didn’t eat anything else, although I was feeling a little less over full by then. We chatted about latest news and reminisced about the old days. She had bought me a jigsaw to do when I have had the surgery. She dropped my back at Rachel’s before nine. A good day catching up with people, seeing Anya and family tomorrow.


  1. Definitely a silly photo day, but good fun. I should really know what to expect when I’m with you, but it’s always different 😊 I doubt the dinosaurs get many “older” ladies who want their pics taken with them, specially to pose with a growling face too! The newspaper photographer couldn’t believe his luck when he saw you doing it 😊 was a laugh though. The first pic of you in the throne seat is great. You look very queen like in it and have a very queen like expression.
    All in all a good day for you and I enjoyed the bit I tagged along for. Glad the fullness disappeared eventually. I knew you shouldn’t have forced us to eat those donuts!
    Have a great day tomorrow.

  2. A day of good, if sometimes silly memories.yes, all in all a good day. Pearl’s daughter doesn’t stay with us as she is worried we would be silly and embarrass her, as if!!
    Angie said they do still publish the paper on Thursdays so she will get a copy too, so hopefully if I am in there I will get to see it!
