Wednesday 19 February 2020

Brass cleaning and demon drivers!

This morning I made up some paste from a recipe on line, white vinegar, salt and flour to make it into a paste. Wednesday morning is church cleaning time and I said a few posts ago that I wanted to tackle the green on the eagle lectern. I started on the tail feathers at the back. I didn’t take pictures but there was a little improvement on the other feathers. Not a great success but not a disaster either. I then thought I would have a quick go at the circular images on the base, this was more successful. The first photo isn’t the same images, but the second images were that discoloured.
There is plumbing work going on in the parish hall and the workers asked if they could leave a skip on our drive. On the way back there were also a couple of cars parked on the drive, not in the best positions. But I suspect the lorry delivering the skip must have hit this very large boulder as it wouldn’t have done a lot for a car! The edge of the lawn was probably one of the cars, in a way a pity I removed the wooden edging!!

I had thought about getting in the garden for a bit but I have been in a fair amount of pain today so decided against it.
About packed and ready to go for tomorrow, going to catch up with friends and family which is great.


  1. The copper inserts do look better after a clean, but it sounds like you’ve got your work cut out to get the same results on the brass itself. I’ve used mixes of vinegar bicarb salt etc but never had much luck with them. Used to try a fair few when I rebuilt clock mechanisms. Always ended up back with Brasso.
    It’s a shame people feel that they can damage the garden with their cars and ignore it. I’d ban them from using it or insert lots of sharp metal spikes at the edges of the gravel. I’m sure they’d soon learn to steer better!
    Hope you have a good trip tomorrow. Looking forward to seeing you on Friday.

  2. The copper really did come up well, there are four more of those inserts to do and then an awful lot of lectern!
    The damage in the garden did make me cross, people have no regard for anything these days! End of soap box session but the stakes are a good idea!

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