Tuesday 4 February 2020

Household chores!

Today I have been on the go a lot of the time but nothing really to show for it except I know that some household chores that were way overdue have been done! Apart from taking a bag of stuff to the charity shop, and a short while in the summer house I have been pottering pretty much all day. This morning early I did make breadcrumbs using the rolling pin!
I will throw some out when I feed the birds but will keep some for the next batch of fat feeders I make.
As ai said I went into the garden for a while, the church was standing out against the sky as I made my way to the summer house..
I took several pictures of this dead plant, the wind was blowing a gale so this is the only one that I managed to get almost in focus!
Pandora did follow me down into the garden, she goes in and out now but usually in the walled garden or on top of the wall. That suits me as the less she goes in the main garden the less likely she will be killing the birds.
We have oodles of snowdrops appearing in the back garden, we should sell tickets for folk to come and look!
I have a choice of things ai like on tv tonight but will try the live life drawing class!