Friday 28 February 2020

Gardening and craft!

This morning I went out into the front garden again. Thought I would make a start on the front bed which is becoming like a lawn at the back with couch grass. So many seedlings but they were going to have to go.
The boulder that had been hit was at the corner of the bed, I though about sorting it out but couldn’t budge it, well, not much anyway! I did dig up a couple of bulbs that I kept to replant. Also dig up some pansy seedlings to replant, plus a mini Christmas tree, do like to rescue on every year and another plant that has been in a pot for months. If I say so myself a good start!
Oh yes, planted the free primula from yesterday as well.
Had lunch with Tina and then sorted out some stamped and embossed images from a while ago to make into cards.
Went out for a while this afternoon to catch up with Sarah and David. We discussed the art class for next week as well as sharing latest news.
Then this evening I have made up four cards, nice to get around to a bit of crafting.
It has been raining all afternoon so I may not get out into the garden tomorrow.


  1. The bed looks very nice. Quite satisfying to see the transformation when you’re there doing it. I can see why some people love gardening, but luckily I don’t have the bug 😊 Glad you decided not to struggle too much with the boulder. Really wouldn’t be too good for the knees.....or your back! You are good with those Christmas trees. I remember the one that grew at Welland, where the ribbon around it almost strangulated the trunk.
    I really like the cards you’ve made. They’re all good, but the web ones are my favourites. You won’t even need to sign them, most people will know who they’re from.
    Not sure if a bit more rain tomorrow would be a bad thing. At least it’d stop you toiling in the garden 😊

  2. I have a lot of part bits of cards, just don’t get around to finishing them off. Quite enjoyed it but a pain clearing everything away again!
    The flower bed is much better, may be able to get the garden reasonably straight before I am out of action for a while!
