Thursday 20 February 2020

Interesting day travelling

This morning Tina came to the bus stop with me and put my case onto the rack. She was off to Scarborough to get the car MOT’d after I left. Really cheery driver which was a nice start to the day. I had about an hour in town before the train so walked to the shopping centre and had a great donut and drink offer at the donut place. On the way back through the station this advertising window caught my eye.
Very bright and cheerful.
Plenty of space on the first train and it arrived in Doncaster a little ahead of time. Had about an hour there too so made my way to the Frenchgate shopping centre. I love it there and they have a happiness/kindness theme going on at the moment.

It was very cold on the station and the second train, when it arrived, was heaving with people and luggage. I had a booked seat but there was nowhere for my case so I stayed in the corridor. The refreshment lady and the guard asked if I was okay and after a few minutes the guard came back and told me there was a seat where my case would go underneath, and she carried it there for me. It says to put small and medium case on the high racks, but even if I could have managed that they were rammed full anyway! Rachel and Skip were both at work today so couldn’t meet me as I was in Peterborough just after two. Took the underpass walk into town rather that hump the case over the steps of the foot bridge. Glad I did as there are great murals along there.

I over zoomed the next photo a bit as the church in cathedral square is having restoration work done.
Would have made for a good picture in focus!
I went to The Works to enquire about a book they had advertised on line, the lady at the till was helpful, phoned her boss and said it will be in tomorrow. There was a Vodafone van in the city centre and they were giving out goody bags, just had to agree to be sent a price list via email. A shopping bag, box of chocolates, a pen and a few other bits, so worth stopping for!
Made my way to the bus station and caught the bus up to the retail park nearest to Rachel’s. Had a cuppa at the Costa and the weather was good so was going to call in at Hobbycraft and then walk to Rachel’s. By the time I had been to the loo it was hailing! Luckily it soon cleared and the walk was dry.
Have had a restful evening but did make 11,000 steps today!


  1. Glad your travelling went ok. It was nice of Tina to see you off and do the case for you. She was probably just making sure you’d actually left the area 😊
    At least your trains weren’t delayed or cancelled due to the weather and the floods. I know a lot were. Sounds like the staff on the second train were really helpful too. Nice to get a bit of good old fashioned service. Something that’s lacking in a lot of businesses these days. At least you arrived here at a reasonable time. Shame Rachel or Skip couldn’t meet you, but it gave you chance to get a few steps in. The painting on the underpass is really nice. I live here and I’ve never seen them! Must take a walk that way another time.
    Hopefully the weather will stay fine for your visit. Fingers crossed. Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.

  2. It was a day of helpful or cheery people which was good, and I am not too achey after the travelling so that is a bonus. Really great paintings, hope they don’t get covered with too much extra graffiti.
    Hitting the city centre again tomorrow so may be able to get the book. A day of seeing three different friends tomorrow so it should be good.
