Tuesday 11 February 2020

Indoor day

I haven’t been out today except for bird feeding and stocking the new bird supplies in the greenhouse when they were delivered. This morning I did clearing up in the kitchen and some general household jobs. Then I altered a winter headband for Sarah. It has elastic at the back and is faux fur, but her head is quite small and it was slipping down and becoming a scarf! It was a bit tricky and I did manage to break one sewing machine needle, but hopefully it will be a better fit now.
This afternoon I started spraying the boxes with lacquer, nice smelly rooms now!
The cats still have plenty of spats but occasionally sniff noses without spitting so we live in hope. This afternoon they were near each other on the landing, after this shot they both started washing as if they didn’t care about the other one.
I have finished the boxes now and I am pleased with them. Re-fixing the tiny screws in the hinges was fun, I dropped two and they have disappeared!
Luckily I had a spare box with the same hinges.
The knee hasn’t been quite so painful today, haven’t got a date for surgery yet.


  1. I’ve not been out either. Not really a day for venturing too far with all the wind and cold. You were definitely better off indoors dissecting that hamster......oh it’s not a hamster it’s a hat. Easy mistake 😊
    The boxes look lovely. I can imagine the smell from the lacquer. Been there done that many times. That’s the trouble when you don’t have an outdoor space or a garage to do it in. Makes you feel quite happy if you breath deeply though πŸ€ͺ Those little tiny screws they use are a nightmare these days too. I struggle to focus on stuff like that! Oh the joys of old age!
    I think the cats will keep you guessing for years as to whether they’ll ever get on or not. Don’t think they know either.
    Hopefully your appointment letter will arrive sometime this week. 🀞🏻

  2. The day passed quite quickly really, and I have something to show for it so pretty good really.
    When we made those boxes at a course a while ago she had us putting mouth more stuff on, I definitely think ‘less is more’ and like the more simple decoration.
    Maybe when the cats are old and grey they will curl up together!! πŸ˜‚
