Saturday 1 February 2020

Quiet-ish day

This morning I went to see Sarah and David fairly early to discuss the plans for my button workshop next week. On the way I took a picture of The Folly in the morning light.
Did a bit of shopping and then we had an early lunch.after that ai caught the but up to Freeport, hopefully before too long I will be walking at least one way. Bought some craft bits and greetings cards and then had a drink before catching the bus home. Some nice primulas hiding between the bushes!
When I got back I did a little bit of clearing of the path at the side of the house and did manage to get a Pandora out for a while. Not a lot of difference but you would be surprised how may weeds there were!

Got a fairly simple dinner for Tina and myself as Darren is away this weekend. Quite a bit of tv to watch this evening but I have been sorting more buttons that arrived today as well!


  1. Nice pic of the folly to start the day with. Sounds like you’ve had reasonably active day, but without overdoing it. Never mind, you’ll be able to go back to your usual running around before too long.
    The side garden does look quite tidy, but I can imagine how weedy it probably was. Good job Darren has the hang glider there as it must suppress quite a few weeds. Maybe the answer is just to canvas and gravel the whole garden! Wouldn’t look so nice as it does, but would be so much easy to look after.
    You’ll be sick of the sight of buttons soon. When you actually need one for it’s proper purpose you probably won’t be able to find one 😊

  2. It has been a relatively quiet day, but have got a few things done as well.
    I do love the folly, the council should make more of a feature of it as it is tucked out of the way.
    Will definitely be seeing buttons in my sleep tonight!
